Friday, December 29, 2017

Back and forth

I have been going back and forth between projects. I am trying to finish my Veronika, but I also want to get the Snow Queen cape/blanket done. I also have an order for a blue birthday sweater with a flame on it from Little Man. Looks like duplicate stitch is on my future. Also, my Princess has begun cross stitch.

I am making plans for forward movement because without them, you go nowhere. What direction are you taking?

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Still not convinced

So, I am working on my Veronika (I am just over halfway done with the back section) and I am still working on the first of the crochet projects for my children. This one is still giving me issues. I like the way it starts, but the fact that it will not lay flat bothers me. I am also not happy with where the color changes are happening.

So, back to the drawing board I think. I have a CAL that starts next week, and I am very excited about that. I am doing Attic24's Woodland blanket CAL, with the Cosy Stripe palette (I got that for Christmas). I have a birthday sweater yo knit, I think, if the birthday boy can tell me what he wants. If not, he may not get it for his birthday, but when it gets completed (like March).

I am still working on goals/directions/resolutions for the new year. Most are in my head but not on paper yet. This week is the time for that. How is your New Year looking?

Friday, December 22, 2017

Lost my touch

I think I have knitted so long, I have lost my touch with crochet. The beginnings of the cape were not least not up to my standards. I have restarted it a couple of times, in a couple different patterns. My latest attempt is the best, but I am still not thrilled with it.

Once more, I will undo and redo it until I am satisfied. I think part of my problem is I am trying to go too quickly. I want to hurry through it, when I should be enjoying it. This is twofold: one, my children want it now, and I want to give it to them before they outgrow it. Second, I have become so busy that I am impatient with the slow handmade process. Ironic, isn't it? The whole reason to do this is to take time, slow down, and appreciate the process. Otherwise, you just go buy one. This is one of my main goals next slow down a bit more. That is partially why I have stopped enjoying this season so much. It hurries to get here and passes all too quickly. Everything is a rush. I bowed out of some normal obligations this year to help slow down a bit. If I plan and think ahead a bit more, next year will be even better.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Crochet Time

I recently bought some yarn for the kiddos to make blankets. Well, technically, two blankets and a cape. I started on the cape today, as it would prove the most thought provoking. It will have to be my own design, as I have not found a pattern for an Ice Princess Cape from a famous animated film.

The color is Snow Queen, aptly named, and I started with a granny rectangle. In this one, I chained 13, then did 3 dc in the 4th ch from the hook, and...well, I will write it down when I finish it and probably put it on Ravelry.

One of my goals/directions this year is to finish the Master Crocheter's course. I have had it for a year, and have barely made progress on it. Other things have taken up my time. I want to spend more time crafting for myself, and that is one big otem I would like to accomplish.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Better than before

I finally finished with Little Man's scarf, and started back on my Veronika. I did the math, and to get the largest size with my gauge, I need to follow the directions for the Size 1. And you know what? I think after blocking, it will be just fine. I have made 2 adjustments to knitting it this time: first, I am slipping the first stitch to create a neater edge to the collar. It looks lovely and smooth now. Second, I am placing a removable stitch marker at every increase. This is more for me, so I do not have to search for them when counting.

I have wrapped the purchased gifts, but the handmade gifts still need to be wrapped.

I am working on some goals/objectives/directions for this year. That may sound a bit vague, but there is always opposition to certain words.  Moving forward is the biggest concern. There are many things happening and that I would like to happen. Decisions are being made and steps taken. I will divulge more as we get closer to the end of the year.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

So close

I finished the last pair of socks yesterday, and started on the scarf. This is the last Christmas gift planned for this year, with the exception of putting together the unicorn hoodie scarves.

I hope there are to be lots of changes this year, and am working toward them. The first major change will hopefully be living quarters. Hubby and I are looking into a few places, and maybe we can manage to swing one early this next year. Also, job changes are hopefully forthcoming as well.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Still working

This week is a little calmer, I suppose. We are finishing up our holiday shopping and I am trying to finish Christmas knitting. I am on sock #2 of the last pair to knit.

I still have a scarf to knit for Little Man and 2 hoodie scarves to put together. School is done, but I am also repacking boxes downstairs in hopes of moving soon. Calls will be made this week and questions asked. There is nothing wrong with asking. There are hopes for job prospects as well. The new year holds many possibilities.

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Better care

I had a professor in college once who used to say "I don't know much, but I read a lot." I do read a good bit, although not as much as I would like or as much as I did in years past. Recently I have been reading Mad Man Knitting and he is having some health issues. I am finding myself staring down a similar path. I have no health insurance, but I have stress in abundance. I have a lot of extra weight that I carry, and I do not care for myself the way I should. I do not want to be selfish, but it is more like putting on your own oxygen mask on a plane before someone else's. You cannot pour water from an empty cup. Since we are embarking on a new year soon, I am thinking forward.

I started on the last pair of socks for Christmas. I believe it is in Sweet Georgia yarn, in Slate.

I have finished the heel now, which took me about 3 times. I am working on the foot,  and hope to be done by tomorrow, but I am getting sidetracked with snow. I want to make warm things, like blankets for my children. I should focus on Christmas knitting but I sometimes lack some willpower.

Wednesday, December 06, 2017

A little lost

I feel a little lost these days. I have some issues (like you didn't already know that), but I am trying to overcome them. I am far from perfect, and this time of year always manages to bring those imperfections to light.

I finished Little Man's hat last night. I kind of like the swirl of dark. It is KnitPick's Preciosa yarn in Captain. I had leftovers from a scarf I made for my brother, and I think I can still make a scarf with the remainder.

I am about to start on the last pair of socks for Christmas. I think this may be the last year I make a bunch of gifts for Christmas. Not because I don't enjoy it, which I do, but because it prevents other things from happening. I know crafters who make somethings for the holidays, and others who refuse. I guess if I get asked maybe I will, but I think I need to start caring for myself a bit more in that department. Not to be selfish, but because if I have an empty cup, how can I pour into someone else's?

Friday, December 01, 2017

Back to Square One

I almost got through with the Veronika cardigan, and then realized that there is no way I would have enough yarn. So I did some math, and I need about 3 more skeins I think. The trouble is I don't remember how many I had. And so I also don't remember if I have more lurking somewhere. is going in the WIP/UFO pile for now.

I have Christmas knitting to finish, and I should have more time after next week to finish the presents and wrap them. It will give me a good 2 weeks before Christmas to get it all done. I have a quarter of a sock, a full pair of socks, a hat and scarf, and some scarves to only put together. If I finish the sock and hat before the end of next week, the scarves should be a breeze. The other pair of socks should go quickly too. I hope. How are your plans coming?

Friday, November 24, 2017

No luck

This second sock must know that I would rather be knitting something else. It must know, because this will be the third time I have to start from the heel gusset.

The forces of knitting are against me as I am trying to finish Christmas knitting with time to spare. Actually, I just want to finish my Veronika for Christmas as well. If I can't finish this sock soon, everything else will get thrown off track, and even the other projects will be last minute.

I hope that once the semester is over for my college class, I can wrap up the children's school as well for the holidays and spend some time crafting.

How are your plans for the season going?

Monday, November 20, 2017

Colder weather

The temperatures are dropping this week. It was frosty this morning. Time to bundle up.

My Clapotis still looks pretty good these days, although it could use a good shave. I never did block it, but I love it as is.

What handknits are you wearing this week?

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Using what you have

I have not reached my goals for this week, mostly due to my being slightly lazy. There are always lots of things to do, and we all have the same 24 hours in everyday. How we choose to use them makes the difference. This week I was not as effective in my usage as I would like.

Next week is Thanksgiving here in the States, which means travel and family. I hope to use the travel time to knit and finish a couple of things. I have lots to do, and if I use what I have, I should be fine. How about you? Are you using what you have?

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Minor progress

I have been working on my Veronika and today I have worked on the second sock. It was languishing and I felt the need to get something done on it.

I made the children go outside today. Sometimes fresh air and exercise help your frame of mind. I have been having that issue. There is a Pandora's box of emotion and issues (mostly that deal with family, space, money and the holidays) that I try to keep a lid on, but some days the lid tries to open more than others.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Meeting goals...almost

I made 2 knitting goals this week and I almost made them. I wanted to be halfway done with the back for Veronika. I should have 24 repeats; I am at 19. I may finish those last 5 tonight.

I also had the goal of turning the heel of the second sock. I barely started ot yesterday, and I am sure I will make progress on it tomorrow during church. It sounds a bit odd I am sure, but yes, I knit during church. It is called cognative anchoring.

I also just got these. Have you tried them? They are removable stitch markers. Not fancy, but functional. And there is 100 of them.

Are you ready for Thanksgiving? We are getting ready. It is still a couple of weeks away, but now is the time!

Tuesday, November 07, 2017


I decided to rip out my Iced, and make a Veronika instead. With the armhole looking odd, it was just going to take too much brain power to figure out what to do to fix it, and the time was more than I wanted to spend. So instead, I cast on Veronika from Very Shannon.

After a little bit of a false start (I put the collar increases on the wrong row), it is going smoothly now. I have cast on the back stitches and am almost done with the collar increase section. My goal this week is to get half of the back done.

My other goal is to get to the heel turn on the second sock. I have done a good bit on the leg of the sock, but still have more to go.

I am starting to feel sick. I don't want to be sick, and really can't afford to be, but I hope a night or two of extra rest will help.

Thursday, November 02, 2017

Looking funny

I tried on my Iced cardigan. It somewhat fit - I was going for an oversized cardigan look, but this was a bit too oversized.

So I am reconsidering. I am planning on taking it out, and making Veronika, by Very Shannon. I like the comfy oversized nature of it, and it is between a vest and a cardigan. Since I usually push my sleeves up, I think it might suit me.

This week's goals

I had a couple of goals for this, that I posted last time. I wanted to finish the sock I had languishing for several weeks, which I did.

I also wanted to finish my Iced cardigan. I have been diligently working on the sleeves, and have one almost done. I may have been a bit overambitious to think I could finish both sleeves and the collar. I think I can finish the sleeves and start the collar this week. Next week may see the collar finished. I just want it done before the next cold snap.

I started on the matching sock for the finished one. That is my travel project, as socks are terrifically portable. I think next week's goals will be to finish the collar on my Iced and get the girls' Unice scarves sewn together and finished. Then all that is left for Christmas is a hat and scarf for Little Man, a pair of socks for my mother, and the mate to the sock finished this week.

Saturday, October 28, 2017


I have been working quickly, as quickly as I can, to get things done. Unfortunately, this time of year makes everything go slower. There are so many things happening. I am sure you feel this way too. So, here are my goals for the next week (let's take it a week at a time, and see what happens).

First, finish this sock. It is for Christmas, and needs a mate, but first things first.

Second, finish my Iced. We had a cold snap, and I could have used a heavy cardigan. Another one is sure to happen, as it is that time of year.

Third, blog at least 3 times this week, to keep myself on track and honest. We all need a little more accountability.

What are you working on for the busy season?

Monday, October 23, 2017

Not quite

I was so close to being done, and then I noticed this.

I dropped a stitch way back before the first armhole.  So, I am taking it out, and will hopefully finish it by the end of next month.  I was hoping to finish it this month, but I need to do some Christmas knitting. 

This has been a month gone wrong for me.  I had high hopes and grand plans, and just about all of them have been derailed.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Out again

I was doing so well.  I even had 2 massages to help, but yesterday I leaned forward to turn off the car, and my back strained again.  I have been drinking water, laying on a heating pad, using Tiger balm, and taking muscle relaxers.  I can slowly move a little, but it is limited.  Sitting is also limited, so laying down is most frequent. 

I am trying to not let it deter my progress on projects.  The holidays are still coming and will not wait.  Have you started any new projects?

Monday, October 16, 2017

What to finish

I am being pulled in all kinds of directions for knitting.  I have a dishcloth, a sweater coat, a wrap, a sock and a unicorn that are all begging to be finished.  They are all in various stages, none of them super close (like within an hour, except maybe the dishcloth) of finishing, but all asking to be finished.  I also have those 2 unicorn hooded scarves to finish, as I got the needed yarn.  One of those might be done in an hour, but I doubt it, with all the fringe that needs to be cut. 

I have other things that need attention as well.  Children, laundry, food, books, boxes and housework all seem to speak at once, growing louder and louder each moment.  When I pick one, I calm and quiet it for a bit, but then it is replaced by something else. 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The need to finish

I had big plans.  I planned on taking my children on a field trip, finishing several projects, menu planning...the list goes on and on.  All of this in just a couple days, for fall break.  Instead, I started a dishcloth for a swap, and it feels like it is taking forever.  The weekend is still young, and if I get up earlier (I lounged a bit this morning), I may be able to get more done.  Today perhaps was my down day.  Maybe I will be more productive tomorrow.

Thursday, October 05, 2017


I do not normally post things on politics or world events or highly controversial issues, because that is not the main point of this blog.  I write because I enjoy it, it is a creative outlet, and I believe someone somewhere reads it and understands about whatever I am talking.  Sometimes throwing some words out about frustration, excitement, or disappointment makes you feel better.  As much as I would love to gain superstar status like the Yarn Harlot, I never really expect it.  But recently, there have been things that have happened, both personally and nationally/globally, and although they are just my thoughts, I feel the need to share.

First, nationally, the tragedy in Las Vegas was just that, a tragedy.  Everyone across the globe is trying to make sense of it.  Sometimes, there is no sense.  Sometimes a crazy person is just a crazy person.  Sometimes evil is just evil.  This event has sparked stories of heroism from some of the victims and also reignited the "gun debate."

I have my own thoughts and feelings about these debates, but a shocking trend that I see is people taking half-truths or exceptions and making them the rule.  My perspective and opinion is to be informed, from both sides, before drawing a conclusion.  Reserve judgement until you have all the facts, or at least facts from more than one source.  When writing a research paper, in high school or in college, you always had more than one source to back your conclusion or argument.  Shouldn't that be all things, not just research papers?  Isn't it better to listen to both sides before passing judgement?  Isn't that what a court does?  Last time I checked, there were two sides in a court - the prosecution and the defense.  Both sides are heard, and then a verdict is reached. 

As for the natural disasters that have occurred, I feel terrible that so many have lost their homes, belongings, and even pets and loved ones.  Things can be replaced; people cannot. 

In my own life, nothing truly tragic has happened, and for that, I am truly grateful.  We have been blessed, although we have had our own set of trials.  No life is as golden as it seems.  There are many hard decisions for us to make, again, in some cases, and most are not pleasant.  Some may not see these as difficulties, but they are to us. 

I hope this season is filled with love and not hate for you.

Monday, October 02, 2017

Keeping up

I started back on my Iced, but got sidetracked as I am wont to do.  I decided to reknit my Weekend Wrap.  It was so loosely knit that it would catch on everything.  It was also so wide that it would almost drag the ground.  Not exactly what I was going for. 

This is the busy season for me, and I am sure for you as well.  Fall marks the beginning of the holiday season - from Halloween to Thanksgiving to Christmas and New Year's.  How busy are you?

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Quick bits

As I am getting ready to go teach, I thought I should add one more thing to my list and post.  I have 3 pairs of socks done.

I also have knitted the pieces for 2 other gifts.  Those are pieces for the Unice Unicorn Hood.  I have 2, one for each of my girls.  I have not put them together yet, because I am waiting on some other yarn.

I have also picked up my Iced again.  All that I have left is the sleeves and collar, and I hope to wear it when it actually cools down this year. 

I have started another Christmas present as well, another pair of socks.  I am trying to clean out some WIP, use up what I have, make Christmas gifts, and make me a few things all at once.  I know I only have 2 hands, and time is precious, but consistency works wonders. 

Oh, and those are my new sheepy pajamas in the background.  Like them?

Saturday, August 26, 2017


I started teaching this past week.  I began teaching a course at the local college, and it has been an adventure.  It is helping teach my children some time management.  I did not choose the book, and there are issues with some of the materials.  But, I am working through all the issues.  Fortunately the students are being patient as well.

This means that knitting time is more precious than ever and with Christmas less than 100 days away, attention has been focused on Christmas gifts.  I feel decent progress has been made so far.  I have 3 pair of socks done, and a gift for one of the children.  Yarn has been ordered for more gifts.  I wanted to do 2 gifts for everyone, and I may have time, but we will see.  What are your plans for the fall?

Thursday, August 17, 2017


I am hoping to get this sweater done in a couple of weeks.  I have lots going on, and many projects to complete before cold weather sets in.

I am lucky that this is a child's sweater, which means that it is a smallish project.  I have socks and a scarf waiting, along with sweaters for myself to complete.  One lacks sleeves and a collar, and the other 3 are either not started or barely started.  The almost finished sweater is a bulky knit, and at least one other is worsted weight.  The good thing about those is that they go quickly.  At least if you work on them.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


I almost finished one sweater for the Princess, and started on her second. 

This is a plain stockinette sweater, in a beautiful pink.  She gets 2 pink sweaters this year, and I might get to make her a turquoise one later.  I have more to do for Christmas.

I am close to beginning the front half of my Vneck Boxy as well.  I use that for TV knitting at the moment, as I am still following the pattern for the sweater.  It is the Classic Child's Raglan by Jane Richmond.  Definitely worth the money, as I have made at least 4 sweaters from it now, and will probably make at least 2 more. 

Monday, August 07, 2017


I restarted my Boxy sweater.  I originally ripped back to the ribbing because having only 3 rows was curling.  So I started to make it 8.  Then I began thinking about the Vneck Boxy.  Deciding that I would wear that neckline more often, I ripped everything out, and started fresh.

This picture is of the back, and I am working down as fast as I can.

I have to set this aside, however, for both birthday sweaters and Christmas knitting.  I really don't want to, as I rarely knot for myself, but I will since I have 2 sweaters to complete for a September birthday.  No worries though - I am close to being finished with one and the other is worsted weight, which should go relatively quickly.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Still not quite there

My back was so close...I mean, really.  And then, I started last Saturday off as a good day.  Then I sat down to put on shoes, and my back seized up again.  All this time, it was just waiting.  It deceived me.  And now it is blistering hot.  I have been trying to read, but that hasn't been working either.  Hopefully something works out soon.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Various stages

I have three projects going, all in various stages.  I knit a doily, and now am crocheting one.

I started a unicorn modification of a horse pattern for the Princess.

I am still working on my Boxy sweater.  Maybe by the time cold weather hits, it will be done.

There are still more socks, sweaters and toys waiting in the wings. 

I am trying to work with what I have, and use up some of my stash.  When you focus on what is right in front of you, you become very aware of your blessings.  There are lots of things I wish I had (a larger vehicle, our own house, a huge budget for yarn), but I am grateful for what I do have.  What are you grateful for?

Thursday, July 06, 2017

Not even halfway

I picked up the second sock again.

I have been distracted by doilies.  I find them typically quick, although needing a lot of concentration.  The directions are generally different for each round when crocheting them, so you must pay attention and read the directions.  Sometimes more than once.   In the one I am currently working on, the directions were not making sense, even though I now think the author wrote them as clear as they could.  The end of one round had a ch 1, dc in top of first sc from beg of the round, which created the last loop of the round.  In this loop, you were to put 2 sc.  When I first read (and re-read) these instructions, it did not make sense to me.  Fortunately, even at 9:30 at night, you can find help with things.  I posted the directions online that were giving me trouble, and within 20 minutes, it became crystal clear.

I am still attempting to work through the Master Crocheter's course, but my projects stop me.  I will pick it up again once I am through with the doily and this sock.  Other projects waiting include a puppy and unicorn, and more Christmas presents.

Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Little things

A little fall complicates big things.  But having to lie flat on your back can give you an opportunity to do some things.

I made a knitted doily.  I also finally put together the dragon.  I completed a sock, and am still working on the second one.

I am starting another doily, but this time it is crocheted.  I have not done one before, because my tension never worked out.  This time, it is.  I think it is a matter of working with something familiar.  I have started working with smaller yarn and smaller needles, and it helps keep the tension.

It has been a while since I posted, mainly because of pain.  Pain has hindered a lot of my summer plans.  I have tried to keep moving forward slowly, but even slow hurts. 

Monday, June 12, 2017

Of socks and blisters

I had been wearing a brace for my ankle, but it is rubbing a blister on the back of my heel.  It is a great big thing...and rather than continue with the brace, I downgraded to an Ace bandage.  Those sure have changed over the years.  I used to wear one on my wrist, and I had little elastic claws to grip it closed.  Now they are sticky, so it adheres to itself.

This has also happened, as I finished using one half of the poncho on the Princess's sweater.

I think this will be a pair for Christmas.  The colors are a little girly, so it will be probably for my SIL.  It is self-striping, so no pattern necessary.  That means it goes fast.  What are you working on?

Sunday, June 11, 2017

The Haul

I thought I would share what I recently received from my brother.

I got one skein of Noro Silk Garden, color 87, lot q.  This picture doesn't do it justice.  I hope to create a light box soon, and will take a better picture. 

There were 4 skeins of Lion Brand Impeccable, 2 in Deep Forest and 2 in Soft Taupe.

Next up are 2 skeins of Andean Treasure from Knit Picks.  Two skeins of Wool of the Andes in Cloud and Fern.  I also have 6 skeins of Sock Landscape, 3 in Red Wood Forest and 3 in New England Foliage.

A test skein of Elegance in Oatmeal was found, as well as a mystery skein.

Too many pictures?  Maybe.  But wait there's more...

A skein of Cascade 220 in Black (color 8555), Fisherman's wool (that is to be dyed soon), 2 skeins of Bamboo in Black, 3 skeins of Jo Sharp Aran Tweed in 125 Tartan, 3 skeins of Noro Kureyon in 124, 2 other skeins of Noro wool/silk in 2 different colorways, and a skein of some sort of tweed.

There was more, but I will share all of the other non-yarny things later.  Any suggestions on what to do with it?  I have a few ideas swimming around, but some of it has not been designated for anything yet.