Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Well, I finished pair 1 of Cigar gloves. Woot! I have started the heel of sock #1. Woot! I'm hoping to finish sock #1 over Thanksgiving, and Friday I can get all my patterns organized. Hmm...it's time to start thinking how best to organize them. Any thoughts?

I also have to bake shortbread and a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving. I thought about making a homemade apple pie as well, but since there will be a sweet potato pie there too, it might be a little overkill on the desserts.

Tomorrow is hubby's birthday, and we're headed to see this movie:

There's another Woot! I uploaded a pic with no problems (I hope). It's the first of many (I hope) on here. I'll take some pics this weekend and hopefully get a cable to the digital camera and post them (cross your fingers that I can find it).

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