Monday, February 06, 2006

Sock update...the originals

Well, here are the pictures I promised! (I know I'm a day late, but I'm a dollar short too!)

Isn't he adorable? His name is Cedric, and he's crocheted (I know...this is a knitting blog, but sometimes the hands need a break). There's more...

This is the first FO of the new year:

It's Panta...just a cool headband that the pattern was floating around on the 'net for.

Check it out!!!! It's almost done! I had some good knitting time in the car on the way home yesterday, and it went really fast. I'm just hoping there'll be enough left to finish! It's a couple of rows different, but they're close enough to match for me! I'm so excited.

Now, as for the Sockapaloooza, I was searching online for sock patterns, and of course, Knitty was one of the first places I checked. I like their patterns...they're usually innovative and a great knit. But, I didn't quite find what I was looking for; at least I don't think I did. I might need to play around with some patterns first.

There was a funeral today for a man who worked at my company, and it got me thinking about a pattern for something like that. I don't know that I'm going to do funeral socks, but something somber may spring forth from my brain. It might be a sweater or a scarf or something. I never met him, but there was a definite air of sadness lingering around the office. It makes you ponder the meaning of life, and specifically, the meaning of your life. It also makes you wonder what your funeral will be like. Maybe I'll create something and request that people wear something like it to my funeral. I can do that, right? Perhaps he just needs to have a tribute done.

Once I decide on a pattern for my secret sock pal, I'll have to see what needs to be done about ordering some yarn. The colorways from Knit Picks are beautiful, and most definitely reasonably priced.

1 comment:

RheLynn said...

OH! And an elephant! **you deserve a cute award** I've seen him around in just a few places lately ;o)