Monday, May 02, 2005

This week

Well, I finished Backyard Leaves. Ok, almost finished. I blocked the other half, and it's waiting to be sewn together and the ends woven. It's close to be completed. I was going to do that now, but didn't have a yarn needle with me. What was I thinking?! Why didn't I put on in the little kit bag I always have in my knitting bag?! Oh well...always double check.

Since I've cast off, that means I have to cast on. And oh boy did I ever! I cast on Avocet Alpaca and Mohair in shade 107. I have 14 skeins of 50 metres each...about 700 meters for a sweater perhaps? I'm being optimistic. Has anyone ever used this yarn? I'm knitting on size 15 needles, and creating my own pattern as I go. So far so good. I want a bell-sleeve pullover with a v-neck. I'm hoping to get it. If not, we'll start over. I think I'm going to research the yarn a little. I've never even heard of it; it was a gift from a friend. She inherited it from a friend of her mom' Maryland. We'll see what happens.

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