Monday, February 22, 2016

Not as often as I'd like

I seem to be having trouble finding time to knit these days.  I'm not sure what has changed, other than I think I've knocked it down on my priorities list.  Here are the current in progress items:

This is the toe-up sock pattern, Back to Basics.  The yarn is from a past project, Gentleman Socks, that I made for my brother.  I bought 2 skeins, afraid that because his feet are large I'd need extra.  I didn't, and actually had plenty for the majority of what you see knit left over.  I have barely started on the second skein.

This yarn is wonderful, but for some reason, it keeps breaking.  I believe it's Malabrigo, in Indicieta.  The pattern is Dragonfly Rib Socks, but I didn't purchase it - it was gifted to me as a print pattern.  And I can't find my copy of it.  So, if I want to make the second one, I either have to search through a ton of boxes, or reverse engineer it.  I can figure out the toe, and I know the pattern, but I just have to deal with the heel.  Mine looks pretty good, and I started this way back in the day, so it had to have been fairly easy.

This is my cardigan that I finally picked and started.  I wasn't sure which one I wanted to knit, remember?  But I decided, after one cold bitter evening out, to knit Iced.  There are some modifications going on, as I don't have a size 11 cable needle.  I'm using 10.5s, and I also have to make it bigger.  So, the math is available for me to do, and I'm working on it as I go.  Fortunately, as it's a cardigan, if it's a bit big, that's a good thing.  I haven't split for the arms yet, and I'm not done with the increases.  It seems to be working out so far though.  Any late Winter knitting going on for you?

Monday, February 08, 2016

I still can't decide

I asked here, and I asked on Facebook which sweater I should knit.  Here are the choices again:



On Facebook, Iced is winning.  Hubby and another friend (who's a guy) have said Oblique.  Oblique is in second place, and I kind of give a little more weight to the men's opinions.  This is two-fold: one, both men know me really well.  One has been my friend for about 16 years, and the other is my husband.  Second, I had asked the question which one I should knit for me.  Women usually will answer which one they like best, not which one would necessarily look best on me.  The men understand the question and will respond as to which one would look best on me, not which one they like better.  It's a slight difference, but still it should be weighted.  

It seems like no matter how much I work on something, I just can't finish it.  I've been working on finishing this cowl:

and it seems like it is taking FOREVER.  I am sewing the braids together, so they will stay and not gap.  It's just taking a really long time.  I guess I think I am working on it more than I am, but I also think I should get farther on it than I do whenever I do work on it.  Seaming takes forever, which is why I really don't like it.  I have also been distracted by some socks I found.  I had purchased 2 skeins  of sock yarn a really long time ago to make socks for my brother.  It took me a while (like a couple of years) to finish the socks, and I never touched the second skein.  And I had a part of the first skein left over.  So...I had started another pair, and some how they got lost in the shuffle of stash buying, but they have resurfaced since we moved.  I should be making myself some, but instead, I'm making my hubby another pair.  As much sometimes as I want to be selfish, sometimes I just can't be.

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Random on a Wednesday

1. I feel like I'm behind today, mainly because I didn't get up early like I have the past 2 days.  I've been trying to make some lifestyle changes, and so far so good.  I know it's only been 2 days, but when you start something new, you take it one day at a time and celebrate the small victories.

2. I helped a friend with taxes today.  I helped him a few years ago, and got him hooked on the same site that I use to file mine.  This year, he had a different employment situation, and I helped him navigate through that.  I brought things to his attention that he hadn't thought of to put in there, and that will help him out.

3.  I still have a little left to finish the Braided Cowl I was working on.  I haven't bothered to take a picture of it, but I have to sew on a button, and I need to finish stitching the braids together.  It's not really necessary, but it helps keep them flat and makes it look prettier.

4. I looked at my sweater that I started.  It kind of looks like a hot mess.

I knitted the sleeves.

This is what I had previously knitted in a raglan sweater.  And also what I have ripped (the giant ball).

 And this is the section that is actually the "new" sweater.

5. Here's one part of my issue: I'm not following the pattern.  The measurements I took are correct, at least I think they still are, and it was a custom designed pattern.  However, when I started it the first time, it was a bit more snug than I think I really wanted.  Being a big girl, "snug" is not really something I want.  I wanted it to be slightly oversized without being baggy or sloppy.  I chose an average fit.  It still seemed a bit more snug than I really wanted, so I added a little more.  Also, the pattern was written in pieces, to be seamed.  I hate seaming.  Really, I do.  I want to be done with it once I'm done knitting it.  I don't want to spend 3 more days putting the thing I just spent 6 weeks on together so I can wear it.  I want to spend 6 weeks on it, spend 1/2 a day or less weaving in whatever ends there are, and walk out the door in it.

6. The other part of my issue: it's bulky weight.  Now, being a "big girl," bulky weight things are trepidatious.  You have to be careful.  It can easily go from being "comfy" to being "sloppy" in about half a millisecond.  And I was thinking (always dangerous) that in being a bulky weight, I can't really layer with it.  It has to be extreme cold to wear it and I'd have to wear it alone.

7. I thought about maybe changing this sweater (again) to a cardigan.  I don't have many of them, and I do wear one quite a good bit, although I'm not completely thrilled with the fit of it.  It was a cheap one that I bought at a big box store.  I thought I could take the measurements of it, add an inch or two through the shoulders, and make a new one out of this yarn.  This would allow me to wear the sweater as a layer, so if it's too hot I can take it off, but too cold, throw it on.  I think I might get a lot of wear out of it.  Being in the south does allow for layering a good deal, as sometimes we have mild winters and our weather fluctuates a good bit.  I've had a July night when it was cold (I needed a thick blanket when the window was open) and I've had a December when we had to run the air conditioning.

8. Here are my top choices:




Can you help me decide?  All of them have their special features.  They are for the most part, simple, easy knitting.  I think most, if not all, are already written for a bulky yarn.  I want something that will drape nicely, not look frumpy on me, and be worth it.  Also, if the pattern is written in pieces, one that will convert to in-the-round is usually pretty easy to do.  I know this is a cardigan, which means it's not really "in the round", but I can make it seamless, or mostly seamless.  What are your thoughts?

Monday, February 01, 2016

More exciting news!

Hey guess what?!  I now have an active Etsy shop!  There's not much in it right now, but over the next few days and weeks, more will be added.  I have some things, but I didn't have time to do everything today.  Something is better than nothing, and if you don't just jump in where you are, sometimes you'll never jump at all.

I also finished a pair of socks, and have yet to take a picture of them.  I also was supposed to take a picture of my children today, as it is the first day of the month, but I did not.  These things happen.  Tomorrow is a new day, and I did a lot today, so I don't feel too badly.  Now, I just have to decide what to knit now:

Blueberry Waffle

Dragonfly Rib Socks

Here Be Dragons

These are the sock contenders.  I also have a sweater for myself that needs finishing (and by "finishing" you understand that I mean continue knitting the body, attach the sleeves, and then truly finish the sweater).  It's a bulky weight V-neck sweater.  And I have another accessory to finish crocheting:

Braided Cowl
There are plenty of things for me to do, but I have to choose one.  Oh, and I forgot to mention some other socks I found to make for Hubby (the ones I finished last night were his).  So many choices...all I know is that I need pick up and knit something.  Or crochet something.  I think tonight may be finishing the cowl, as I have the 2 braids done, and just have to join them.  Then I can cast on a new project tomorrow!  Happy knitting (or crocheting!)!