Monday, September 17, 2012

Once Again

I realized, belatedly, that I should have washed and dried my swatches.  I didn’t think of this before, since most of the items I have made in the past were mostly either not items that would get washed frequently (like fingerless mitts) or items where size didn’t matter (scarves, shawls and the like).  So, last night, I washed my swatches.  Lo and behold – the size 7 swatch was on gauge!  So, I started again.  Fortunately, I wasn’t all that far really into the sweater. 

I think I should get the prize in this knit-a-long for the most problems with a sweater. J  I will say this, despite all the problems I’ve had with the yarn and pattern and everything else, I have learned some very valuable lessons.  First, always make a swatch.  Second, always wash your swatches.  Third, read the pattern VERY carefully.  Fourth, enjoy what you knit.  These lessons have taught me to more careful when reading directions, to paying attention to details, and I’m ready to cast on for another sweater.  I have the yarn (another stash dig uncovered a lovely bag of yarn sitting patiently and waiting for me) and I found a pattern that I adore, by a designer I’ve been watching and loving since being introduced to her.  It’s a Jane Richmond pattern, found on Knitty.  The Gemini promises to be lovely once all knit up, great for the office or a Saturday.  I still have my eye on the Owls Sweater, but I have to wait for the rest of my yarn to come in.  I’m hoping it will be soon, but it’ll be a while before the weather will cooperate with the wool to wear it.  That gives me some time.

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