Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Once Again...

It's time for another quick update! So, I almost finished the Little Red Riding Cowl, but found I was about 10 yards short. So, I have to wait. I hate to wait. While I'm waiting, I started something else. I started the Flowers Head to Toe pattern by Francine Toukou. What can I say, I love quick and easy projects right now, and hers fit the bill. Crochet actually fits my mood right now. I feel like I'm running constantly, although that's probably just today, and I need something fast to relax and see progress. Knitting is more of a "slow down" type of craft. Crochet is a "hurry up" kind of craft, usually. There are crochet projects that seem to go on forever - like afghans. However, when you do accessories and fun stuff, it goes really 2 hours and a project's done fast.

I've also been eyeing sewing recently. I pre-ordered the new Stitch magazine from Interweave. I like what I see so far. I just got it today in the mail, and I can't wait to look through it all thoroughly.

Today I've been running since early this morning. I actually slept in a little, and was supposed to be at one of the facilities from work for a tour at 9. I was there at 10. Google map directions aren't all they are cracked up to be, and I don't have a GPS. I know, I'm behind the times in that regard. I finally had to get a new cell phone today because my old one died. Hence the running part - I was late for the tour, finally made it but couldn't call anyone to let them know I was okay, went on the tour, went to lunch, went to work, got off work, went to Michael's (they were having a sale on ribbon, and I needed ribbon), went to get a new phone, went to get dinner, went home...are you seeing a theme? I am - I need to stop. But, there are miles to go before I sleep. I have a web conference for a class, and a discussion question I need to answer tonight as well. It's going to be a long one. I hope to multi-task during the web conference. Let's hope it all goes well.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Rainy days and Mondays...

always get me down. But not for long!

This past weekend, I whipped up the Fireside Capelet from Francine Toukou. I'm now currently working on the Little Red Riding Hood. They go SOOO fast. I love crochet; I'm still not done with the Bella Dress though. That one takes some thought and counting. It's not bad, but while school's in session, I need something fast and basic. This is TV crocheting kind of a time. Or TV knitting. But I'm in a crochet kind of mood, or to re-write Billy Joel, "I'm in a Crochet state of mind." I know - cheesy. The Fireside Capelet went fast, as did the flower accent. All I have to do now is add a pin to the back. I'm going to make another one and add it to a hair clip. Those flowers rock. It takes all of about 30 minutes to make the first one, and the more you make, the less time each one takes. It's terrific.

I'm in a crafty mood, even though I'm overloaded. I'm hoping to have big news by the end of next month. If all goes well, there will be some big announcements and changes. Keep your fingers crossed!

Monday, March 05, 2012

Just starting

School started back for me today! This is exciting; this semester I have 2 of my last 3 classes. I'm taking an entrepreneurship class and the capstone course. I still have an econ class to take, and then I'm done with my masters.

This will start a new chapter for me. I'm hoping to pick up some tips from the classes to start a business. You heard it here first - I want to stop working for someone else, and start working for myself. So, if I'm quiet for a while, you know why. I'm getting crafty over here. I have lots of work to do, all while trying to keep up with some of my crochet and knitting. It's going to be really busy, so if I go stealth on you, you know the reason.

If we have any major breakthroughs or news, I'll be sure to let you know.