This past week or so has been rather tiring. I've been making progress though:
I finished one sock. I used the Vanilla Latte pattern by Virginia Rose-Jeanes, and it's more of a recipe than a pattern. That's not a bad thing, if you're familiar with socks. If you're looking for strict directions, however, you could run into a problem here or there. I liked it, as it allowed me to use my favorite heel, a modified eye of partridge, and not feel like I'm committing heresy by making a substitution.
In crochet, I'm not quite halfway done with the center square for Alchemilla:
I have about 2 and a half skeins left to use for the center, at least by my calculations. I'm going to try to make this my "mindless" project, as it doesn't take much brain power at the moment to work on that center.
I've also been commissioned to make a few hats for a photographer, which is pretty cool. She's just starting out, but she's really good. You can check her out here. She prefers baby photography - like newborns. This works out, since - ta da! We're pregnant! We decided to try, as we didn't think God was done with our family, and we were right. So, #3 is on its way! We should be expecting a new arrival in May. What are you working on?
1 comment:
Hi Laura! My name is Heather and I was wondering if you could answer a quick question about your blog! If you could email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com that would be great!
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