Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. The presents knitted were well received, even by my mother (long story, but she usually doesn't appreciate homemade gifts). One gift was not finished in time, and gifted in its unfinished state. My SIL was the recipient, and was so happy. She was actually going to ask me to make her a scarf, so knowing I was working on one for her thrilled her to no end. Hopefully pictures will be available soon.

I had a terrific Christmas, and was given some yarn and a swift. I look forward to creating something with the gifted yarn. There were other non-knitting related gifts, and one in particular was extraordinary. My loving hubby gifted me witih a restored doll from my youth. This was my first doll, and she had been in some disrepair for several years. Now, she is fixed. It was a perfectly wonderful gift. We even had snow on Christmas (a rarity around here).

I hope your Christmas was as wonderful as ours, and may the New Year hold many more blessings.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Not quite, but almost

Well, from my list last week, I almost did everything on it. I was mostly successful, but lacked a few areas. Here's the updated list:

1. Apply for 2 jobs by Wednesday - done
2. Finish two knitting projects by Saturday (12/11) - done
3. Post at least 2 blog entries - not done
4. Finish up the 2 classes online I'm currently taking by Tuesday - done
5. Get Christmas decorations up - partially done
6. Workout at least 3 times by Saturday (12/11) - partially done (I worked out twice)

Not bad, considering things are still not quite normal around here. By "not quite normal" I mean I still don't have a job. I doubt I'll have one before the holidays are over. I'm hoping in January something will come open for me. There are good job leads out there, but the holidays slow everything down.

How I missed posting last week I'll never figure out. I thought about it, but it just didn't work out for me. This week will hopefully be different. It already is, since I'm posting tonight. Saturday is a little more free (the one obligation I had has been cancelled). Hopefully the knitting projects will be a little better, and the workouts will get there too. I bought a jump rope in hopes that the love I once had for it will come back. I hope I can utilize some space in the sunroom to workout; I think the ceiling fan is high enough so I won't hit it with the rope.

It's been freezing here - no really, I mean actually freezing temperatures, like below 32 degrees. That's rare for Georgia. We don't normally get that cold of temperatures until sometime in January or February. We occasionally have snow, but this year so far, we've had flurries 3 times already, and it's not even Christmas yet! I hope to have snow for Christmas. That's even rarer in Georgia than just snow. We did have snow earlier this year, in February. It wasn't a lot (by the northern U.S. standards) but anything that accumulates here is considered a lot. Growing up in Tulsa makes you realize 3 foot snow drifts are a lot of snow, not 3 inches.

On the knitting front, there are 2 more knitting projects for Christmas to be completed. Fortunately, I'm about halfway done with one and that's been about 4 days worth of knitting. This one has a lot of color changes, so it takes a little longer than normal. I'm kicking up the knitting time, and I'm hoping to get this one finished by this weekend, and get the other one knocked out before Christmas.

Goals for this week: finish the one Christmas present, get the other one started, and start the new exercise program (thanks to Oxygen Fitness for Women magazine for the routine). The rest of the Christmas decorations need to get up as well. I'm about 30% on those. Posting I'll keep at 2 times for this week as well. I'm down to one more post by Saturday. I think I can manage that. :)

Friday, December 03, 2010

Busy days and nights

These days, I'm finding more focus, and a little more time. It's becoming easier to fall into a rhythm between homework, daily chores, and all the extras I want to do. I can't promise that all my blogs will be about crafts; but hey, "It's my blog and I'll post what I want to..." (apologies to Leslie Gore). The more I can accomplish during the day, the more I feel like accomplishing and the more I can accomplish. So, here's the agenda for the next week:
  1. Apply for at least 2 jobs by Wednesday
  2. Finish two knitting projects by Saturday (12/11)
  3. Post at least 2 blog entries
  4. Finish up the 2 classes online I'm currently taking by Tuesday
  5. Get Christmas decorations up
  6. Workout at least 3 times by Saturday (12/11)

For those of you who don't know, I lost a good bit of weight last year, and this year it was stymied by the arrival of a new little one. However, I am determined to get back on track, even without a gym membership. I have plenty of stuff that I can do at home, provided I focus just on that. As a mom, it's hard. I see things that need doing, and immediately want to do them. I have found one thing to be true: the more you exercise, the more energy you have. You would think the opposite to be true, but really, what the experts say does hold water. For whatever reason, now that I'm home and not working out consistently, I need at least 8 hours of sleep a night. Before, when I was up at 4:30 most mornings to go to the gym, I was fine on about 6 hours of sleep. My activitiy level hasn't changed much, since I was working a day job, and now I'm working the homefront. If anything, I have a higher activity level. At any rate, the above looks good for goals for this coming week. I'll post some updates along the way (if I keep up with #3) and hopefully I'll also get the good camera back and can post some pictures of Finished Objects.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010


This is my second greatest finished object - I don't think 000 size needles can compete.

So, other than this, my days have been filled with my first great FO, who is now potty trained, job hunting, school and knitting. Yes, I do manage to find time to knit. I recently finished the top down raglan from the Spud and Chloe blog. I loved it so much, I bought the book Custom Knits and started Pink.

It's a new month, and I have new goals. Obviously, a day job would be terrific. In the meantime, I refuse to be left out in the cold. I plan on updating the blog regularly, school will also take up a lot of time, and then there are the kids. Christmas is also quickly approaching, which means a few gifts to be knit (it's surprisingly cheaper when you have the time to knit). I plan on utilizing my time wisely while still at home. I have already started some projects to organize the house, and more of those will come as the month progresses. Today begins a new month, and a new committment. When I can get the good camera back, I will take pictures of the next few FOs I should have completed (yes, I can actually finish a project). I do enjoy being a process knitter, but there are times when FOs really boost your morale. Perhaps I will even have pictures of the FOs with their intended recipients. Maybe traffic will also pick up around here. :) Although this blog is more for me, I hope to reach some and help where I can.

Monday, October 04, 2010

New happenings

Well, there's been a lot going on around here, and yet, not a whole lot has changed on the knitting front.

Our baby girl entered the world on September 3rd, and she made it fast. We're talking 3 hours and 20 minutes of labor, people! She was ready to come and didn't waste any time about it.

I started working on the top-down raglan knitalong from Spud and Chloe. If you haven't been over there, go check it out. It's easy to follow instructions and moves fairly quickly. I'm about halfway done with mine, and I've been trying to catch up on sleep from having a baby! I'm working on the body, and don't have that much left. I hope by the end of the month to have a new sweater, and from the way the weather is progressing, I'm going to need it.

There are several projects waiting to get out of the WIP basket (and yes, I now have a basket, although not all the works-in-progress can fit in in itself is a work in progress) and I'm slowly but surely finishing my EZ Pie Shawl. There are a few baby things in there as well (buttons must be found and sewn on). Once I can clear it out, new projects can fill it. And trust me, there is a long list of those projects! Two new sweaters are waiting, afghans will be crocheted and knitted, and more baby things are to come!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I found the solution to the edging on the Pi Shawl. I emailed Schoolhouse Press, and was rather surprised that Meg emailed me back yesterday. I had also scoured the internet, and found some directions that were helpful. However, I have to say, Meg's directions were a little better (she suggested a provisional cast on, which is PERFECT). I'm hoping the shawl will be done soon - and I can post pictures. I'm planning to take a few more pictures, and I have a TON to upload, so we should have a plethora of pictures soon on here. :) Here's to time on my side...hopefully.

Friday, July 23, 2010


I'm slowly but surely changing you can tell by the new updates. I'm still working on it, but it's a start. I have pictures - I just need to download them from my camera to my computer. It's a process. I'm close to being done with EZ's Pi Shawl. The last section feels like it's taking forever. I have 5 rows left, plus the edging. So far, so good. I have to hurry though, and that makes me want to do nothing but knit...including ignoring school work and housework. Thus far, I've been successful in not avoiding either, and keeping up with things. I'm hoping maybe this weekend I can take a little time to relax and knit for a while. I'm not counting on it though. I have too much to do. I do hope to update the blog a little more and get a few pictures up (just have to download them to the computer...really, 15 minutes is all I need to make time for...perhaps on Sunday).

Baby's doing well, as is Little Man. He's getting over a little sinus issue, and Hubby has now picked it up (maybe it's actually a cold that I'm immune to?). If I didn't have to work (and since I probably won't have a job soon, that statement might be "since I am out of work"), I could get SOOO much more done. Work seems to get in the way of life. I have painting, cleaning, knitting, cooking, baking, sewing, crocheting, and learning I want to do, and work takes up most of my day. I guess that's just life. It kinda sucks like that.

Good news - a new concert for us to go see! Well, actually, it's not NEW, it's the second leg of a tour that we didn't get to see the first time because I passed out. Twice. Long story...but the EMT was partially to blame. Anywho, we're going again and it should be fun since we'll have at least one other person with us. This fall will ROCK! :)

Friday, July 09, 2010

Still working...for now

I'm still working on projects - I did finish the February Baby Sweater, but need buttons. I have buttons for the Hawthorn, but I have yet to finish that. I'm still working on the EZ Pi Shawl.

In other news, last month was definitely in turmoil for me. After hitting the 6 month mark for Baby#2, my MBA program started. Then the same week as the final for the first class, my company announced they had entered into a "Definitive Agreement" with another company to purchase them. For those who don't understand what that means (and that was several people at my office), it means in 3-6 months after the sale is final, our office will close. Permanently. Forever. No more job. Start looking now. Then I had 2 group projects and a final due and a new class started, all in that same week. It was insane. Not to mention I started nesting in a major way, and the whole house was a bit jumbled for a week. Little Man finally has a big boy room though, and the baby's room is in progress. The kitchen was also upheaved, due to the potential of a new refrigerator. That didn't work too well, and so we were back to square 1. We did purchase a new King Size bed - how did we ever sleep so long on that full-size mattress that was so old?! - and I'm so glad we did. That bed is pure heaven. Sleep is better, which makes eating better, which means I'm back in the gym, and I have more energy (although it still gets depleted easily). I'm also beginning to switch to a new eating plan - the Eat Clean Diet. More to come on that later.

Back to knitting: the Pi Shawl is coming along well. I had a minor issue getting to the last section (576 stitches!) but I did correct the problem. Stitch markers, even on an easy lace shawl, are your friend. Never forget that. I hope to make a few changes around here as well - we'll see if I can get a few things done between now and the end of the month. I hope so. Keep your fingers crossed - things are looking up. :)

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Finished, well, almost

I have finished (almost) a few things - like the February baby sweater, the Cross over baby sweater and the Pants to match. I haven't completely finished them...they are still awaiting buttons and ribbons and elastic. There are a couple of ends to still weave in on the FBS, but all in all, they are completed. No more knitting for them. Now, we're on to more adult things. Well, travel knitting from EZ to be exact. I started the Pi Shawl. It's the lovely lace one, with the 3 different patterns in it. I hope I can finish it before July actually (her month of travel knitting). I have a tendency to start large projects and not finish them. This one will require some blocking pins and maybe something new will encourage me to finish. We'll see how it goes. I'm waiting on pictures from NOLA for the Lidsville hat I sent via my 'rents to my brother. I hope to post some pictures soon. I also have a potential new pattern that I transcribed to post, with pictures of the original. Hopefully I'll have time this weekend to get some more pictures taken, update Ravelry, and this blog. I've been wanting to change a few things around, and just needed the time. Of course, the busier I am, the more things I try to add to my to-do list - go figure.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Something old, something new...

I have a new laptop, which totally rocks. This means (hopefully) more regular updates, since I can now get on the 'net from the comfort of my very own couch. Not having to drag my sorry self downstairs will get me online much more often...well, that and school work. I started my MBA, but not before I did technically finish one knit item (ok, I finished it this past weekend, and school started on the 5th). What this really tells me is when I'm really busy and think my plate is full, I have a tendency to get more regular work done.

I also started some new projects, or at least gathered the materials for them. I will soon post some pictures...when a) I get some to post and b) I think about actually uploading the photos. I'm close to finishing another couple of projects, and plan on finishing one by the weekend. I have another one scheduled for later this month as well. Who knew being pregnant and starting school would make me get more knitting done? Does that mean I should always be busier, as I will accomplish more? Just a theory...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Another post, and a new website!

I just ahve to mention that Erica Lea over at Simple Days is giving away a hand-knit dishcloth for commenting on her blog! She does have the pattern up, and is ingenious for using 2 strands of crochet thread held together, rather than kitchen cotton for them. How fantastic! She also has a great cooking website, Cooking for Seven, and I would highly recommend checking her out! She's a terrific crafty young lady, and worth the read! :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Holy Crap!

I knew it'd been a while since I last posted, but I didn't realize it had been so long. So much has happened since the last time I posted...let's see if I can catch you up quickly.

1) Expecting baby #2 - will find out if it's a boy or a girl on April 20th. Watch for more news!

2) Have had a slightly different pregnancy this time around - passed out a couple of times and had nausea. I know, lovely thoughts.

3) I've picked up a few jobs here and there (knitting and crochet) - one being writing a pattern for a vest (working on it feverishly, but it's been rough with being pregnant). Also, have 2 more repair jobs in crochet to hopefully soon get done.

4) I've been asked to make a sweater for STITCHES South - EXTREMELY excited about this one. It should be lovely. I'll post more once everything has been received.

5) I did finally hear back from the recipient of the fingerless mitts - they were received and accepted gratefully.

I still have a TON of projects going on - I tried to compete in the Ravelympics. I made progress on the project, but didn't finish it. I hope to finish the vest pattern, then a couple of hats, then a sweater for Little Man, and hopefully move on from there. I'm really trying to finish stuff this year, but I continue to get side-tracked! More posting later!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Coming Soon...

Thanks to Jolie for posting about my pattern. She's a very cool knitter - very visual in her style. I always like to see what she's working on - it always gives me a new perspective. She takes it beyond function and makes knitting almost geometric in her designs and color work.

I've been keeping busy by working on my January project. I'm trying to work through EZ's Knitting Almanac in a way, using projects I already either have the yarn for or have cast on. This way, I have a goal, I'm using stash, and I'm cleaning out current WIPs. This month is a sweater, and I have been eyeing the Knit Picks Gloss in my stash. I found the perfect pattern from Knitty (Zora) and have been working on it diligently. I don't know that it will get done in January (I have a sweater to repair and a hat to finish for my brother) but there's a good start on it. I'm also making notes as I go, so if I have to put it down in February, I'll know where I am and the modifications I've been making (amazing - I think I've grown up as a knitter). :)

Here are some pictures of what I've already finished this year:
Noro Scarf from J. Flood

Turn-a-Square Hat from J. Flood (a family of 3 - only mine is pictured here)

Lidsville from D. Stoller's Son of Stitch & Bitch (Little Man as model - I think I constructed it incorrectly, and plan on fixing it)

Autumn Sun Wrap from Crochet in Color (shop sample at TWNY)

That should take care of most of what's been going on - other than the holidays, and Little Man's 3rd birthday. I found some pattern errors in Skolnick, so I'll be working on that in the coming months as well. A huge thanks to Jolie for test knitting them for me. I'm still working on confirmation that the recipient of the originals received them - Alex? Hello?

Look for exciting updates coming. Oh, and I decided to participate in the Ravelympics in February. Staying true (somewhat) to EZ's Knitting Almanac, I'm going for the WIP event with Little Man's sweater. I really want to finish it, but the cables are killing me. Maybe this will be the push I need to get it done. Finishing that will also help when I finish Zora, since I'm working both cardigans as one large piece rather than 3 separate pieces as the pattern calls for and having to seam them. I'd rather have the ease of knitting one large piece, keeping my gauge the same, and not having to seam - it's a complete win/win, except when the directions don't work with you.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Finish in 2010

It looks like this year will be a year for finishing. I have several projects on the needles (try at least a dozen if not more) plus yarn to make many other things. I have already completed a few things, and will post pictures hopefully this weekend. Other things will be finished soon, and my goal is to finish at least one project a month. Nice goal, right? We'll see how well that works. As far as blogging goes, I'm hoping to get back into a regular habit of blogging at least twice a month, once with a progress report and once with a finished object. If I can post more, I will. That's all for now - watch for updates! :)