Friday, February 10, 2023

Grocery check in

I haven't really kept track of what we've spent EXACTLY on groceries this month. I do know we're over budget. 🙁 Part of that is food prices - stuff is expensive! Part of it is a learning curve. It's been a while since we've done this, and I'm rusty. 

Let's look at what and where we did buy:

Aldi - we buy a lot of staples here, because they have been cheaper in the past. This is still mostly true, but you have to watch carefully.

Walmart - this is the biggest store in our town, and while they offer a wider selection than Aldi, you still have to be careful about their prices. They aren't always the cheapest.

Ingles - sales are your friend here. But, you can get some really good deals, and the quality is usually worth a few extra pennies. 

Quality Foods - this is a local small chain (they have maybe 4-5 stores around this area) and can be higher on national brands BUT their sales prices are usually better than others. 

Strategy: This month, I planned, then looked at ads and shopped. I think I need to change this up a bit. While it's hard to predict what will be on sale in the upcoming month, using what's currently on sale for multiple meals and knowing what staples you need can help control the budget. Also, looking at holidays (March holds St. Patrick's Day, April holds Easter) can help predict a little. March usually has corned beef on sale; April has lamb/ham/roasts. This is harder during the summer and fall when there aren't as many holidays close together, but you can almost be assured there will be hamburgers and hot dogs on sale (and ice cream) close to July. 

Being sick hasn't helped, as it's made us want/need things not planned for, like popsicles for the children. 

Another new addition this month will be to take a pantry inventory (to use what we have better) and get our small freezer in there, so we have more freezer space.

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

Aldi is my go-to for most things. Walmart has a few things that I can only get there.

All stores you really have to be on your toes. One of the last times we went to Aldi, they had beef tenderloin for 50 percent off. We got to treat ourselves for several suppers that week. :-)

It's definitely never fun to have to shop when you are unwell.