Sunday, July 09, 2023

Bi-weekly Check In #26

Ever start to feel like you are completely failing at everything? That is the way I have felt this past week. I seem to be falling short in so many areas, or not making progress, that I feel like I am failing. So let's see what happened this week.

Blog more.
Yep. This one has definitely been working, so that's a success.

Keep the food budget to $400 per month.
Nope, but I have been making progress, by finding more resources for us. I am still experimenting with it, so there is progress rather than full-on success.

Start a garden.
It has been started, but needs some attention. There were blooms on several plants, and I have been slow to weed.

Pay more attention to my health.
While I have been paying more attention to my health, some of the best visible ways have yet to progress. My weight is still an issue. I saw a few pictures of myself in the past two weeks, and they were quite... eye-opening? Upsetting? Jarring? Definitely unflattering. And very discouraging. 

Read 50 new books this year.
I made a little progress the past two weeks, but I was busy with appointments and planning for camp with my girls, and I just didn't have enough time to read much. Maybe I can in the next few weeks before school starts.

How to Use a Planner Without Wasting Time, Mystie Winckler 
Poor Richard, James Daugherty
The Empowered Wife, Laura Doyle
Fortress of the Lost Amulet, Michael Webb
Different, Sally Clarkson
Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe
The Convivial Homeschool, Mystie Winckler
The Out-of-Sync Child, Carol Stock Kranowitz
How to Manage Your Home without Losing Your Mind, Dana K. White
The Nemechek Protocol, Patrick Nemechek 
Trejo: My Life of Crime, Redemption, and Hollywood, Danny Trejo
The Magnolia Table, Joanna Gaines
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith
Legend of the Golden City, Michael Webb
The 4 Hour School Day, Durenda Wilson
The Unhurried Homeschooler, Durenda Wilson 

Declutter our home and make it hospitable.
This one is up for debate. I do keep making small adjustments here and there, and that's progress. The boxes I brought from the storage unit are almost taken care of - I have 2 to return (out of 8) and another to go through. The things removed are about half way put away. I hope to finish the remaining box this week.

Complete 12 craft projects in progress.
I believe I am up to 4 now of these. I am still working on my sweater, as I didn't get it finished before camp. I did manage to get the majority of the body finished while riding - I need to complete the ribbing and then do the sleeves.

Life has been barreling along for me. I regularly feel inadequate for parenting my children, and combined with the body image issues, makes me feel like a failure in so many ways. Recent experiences continue to show me that no matter how far I think I have come (in anything), there is still much further to go. I recognize my faults so deeply that I question my ability to do anything well.