Blog more.
I managed to accomplish this one. This was an easy goal to reach, and I am glad I was able to do it. Low hanging fruit, right?
Keep the food budget to $400 per month.
This one was a lot harder than I expected. Inflation definitely did not help with this goal. We have started using more and more from our pantry, which helps. It is very hard with a family of five to keep fresh items (bread, milk, eggs, cheese, etc) on just $400. I am trying to get it to $500, so maybe that is more realistic.
Start a garden.
I tried - I really did. It just did not work. I think I over reached on this one. There just was not enough time or energy to put into that. Plus the weather this year made it really hard. I wasn't the only one who struggled. It was hot and dry, which isn't usually the case. We're used to hot weather in the summer, but the lack of rain hurt many gardens. I also think my time is spread too thin for this one. Maybe just yard work next year?
Pay more attention to my health.
While I have been paying more attention to my health, some of the best visible ways have yet to progress. My weight is still an issue. I saw a few pictures of myself in the past several weeks, and they were quite... eye-opening? Upsetting? Jarring? Definitely unflattering. And very discouraging.
There have been a lot of minor issues that keep me from achieving this goal. Sometimes it is always little pebbles and not big stones that block the path. So you have to learn how to sweep them aside, and that's where I am. I am getting more sleep to fill my sleep deficit and starting to walk most days. I have been making better food choices, because SLEEP. It is amazing what little sleep can do. I definitely feel more in control since getting more sleep. However, now that I finally can sleep, I need so much of it! I feel as though half my day is resting. But sometimes that is what you need.
Read 50 new books this year.
I made a little progress the past two weeks, but I was busy with appointments and planning for camp with my girls, and I just didn't have enough time to read much. I have been prioritizing reading at night, which has helped. Also, during my walks I am listening to audiobooks. It's about the only time I can listen and can focus my attention on the book. I made it through 27 books, so it was over half my goal. I may get through another one or two before the year ends, if I keep walking with audiobooks.
How to Use a Planner Without Wasting Time, Mystie Winckler
Poor Richard, James Daugherty
The Empowered Wife, Laura Doyle
Fortress of the Lost Amulet, Michael Webb
Different, Sally Clarkson
Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe
The Convivial Homeschool, Mystie Winckler
The Out-of-Sync Child, Carol Stock Kranowitz
How to Manage Your Home without Losing Your Mind, Dana K. White
The Nemechek Protocol, Patrick Nemechek
Trejo: My Life of Crime, Redemption, and Hollywood, Danny Trejo
The Magnolia Table, Joanna Gaines
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith
Legend of the Golden City, Michael Webb
The 4 Hour School Day, Durenda Wilson
The Unhurried Homeschooler, Durenda Wilson
The Professor, Charlotte Bronte
Shadow of Betrayal, Michael Webb
Christy, Catherine Marshall
A Fall of Marigolds, Susan Meissner
Catch That Cookie!, Hallie Durand
The Adrenal Thyroid Solution, Aviva Romm
Living The Christian Year, Bobby Gross
Awaking Wonder, Sally Clarkson
Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, Agatha Christie
Declutter our home and make it hospitable.
This one is up for debate. I do keep making small adjustments here and there, and that's progress. The boxes I brought from the storage unit are almost taken care of - I have another to go through. The things removed are mostly put away. I did make some progress in this as well.
Complete 12 craft projects in progress.
I believe I am up to 5 of these. There are still many more to go. But I am whittling away at it. I also have boxes upon boxes of fabric in our storage unit to go through, along with patterns and various other things.
All in all, not a great achievement year for me, but it was still progress. Next year I may trim the number of goals and make them more achievable. A lot of these were vague, which leaves room for movement but denies the ability to truly mark it off the list. I hope to take some time after Christmas and map out next year, with clearer goals and a plan for all the extra things that I should anticipate (birthday parties, Christmas gifts and extra events, somewhat spontaneous fun things). For now, I am going to enjoy the Christmas season and start baking! My joy for this time of year has returned (for several years I was just muddling through and not really enjoying it - but not this year!). 'Tis the season! God has been so gracious this year with struggles that have led to blessings. He has surrounded us with so many loving friends who have grown so close and dear to us, because of our challenges. Our family has become stronger through our trials, and we are looking forward to seeing the growth and fruit from the pruning.
What about you? Are you enjoying the season? Or are you reflecting on this past year already? Do you look back to look forward?