Friday, April 03, 2020


It seems like we are all waiting. We are waiting for the coronavirus to come to our county, our town, our neighborhood, our home. Waiting is stressful. We are waiting for the housing market to move again. We are waiting for schools to open again and life to go back to normal. We are waiting for life, for death, for love, for everything. We really live in a constant state of waiting. While we are not panicking, we are anticipating the possibility of the virus coming closer. It's like watching a storm roll in to shore from the ocean, only longer. You know it's coming. You know and can see it. When it finally comes to shore, it will hit hard. It will destroy things (lives) in its path. But then it is over, and we wait for the next storm. 

This waiting seems harder. All aspects of life are being put on hold. We are cautioned to stay inside, away from people, when people give us the most comfort. Watching children play together on the playground, adults talking around a table, families shopping in a store, individuals reading a book or eating a meal. These sights are rare now, and it will be like that for a month, maybe two. News reports and decisions are made moment by moment and nothing past two weeks has been mentioned. 

So, what are we to do? We scroll Facebook and fret, create memes about toilet paper and beer, and attempt to make life seem normal.

It doesn't work. It's here now, and it affects all of us.