Thursday, January 31, 2019

Recently in Living Color

January is already gone, can you believe it? The days have been short, the nights long, and the weather cold, rainy, sunny and undecided. We have been passing around a cold recently here, and I just finished 2 small projects and a large one. I finished my Fading Point wrap (no pictures yet, and I haven't blocked it either, but all the knitting is done). I finally finished two projects from Mollie Makes Magazine (a great crafting magazine that shows all kinds of crafts). I made the Toucan Keyring from Issue 94 and the doughnut pincushion from Issue 96. My girls have those now - I gave them willingly to the tiny hands. =)

Mollie Makes issue 94 contents
Mollie Makes Magazine, Issue 94

Mollie Makes 96 free gift
From Mollie Makes blog, Issue 96
I have also been knitting on my sweater, which seems to be taking forever. I have it down to the last forty rows for the body, and have done about 12. It is the neverending stockinette stitch.

No photo description available.
Still working...
There has been buzz in the knitting community about protests, racism, "white privilege" and many other things. These same people who cry out say those who don't are complicit in the problem. I don't know that that is really true - some of us still live by the old adage "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." If there is nothing productive to add to the conversation, then we are all just blowing hot air (and I mean that literally). 

However, sometimes there are things that need to be said, in love and discipline, to show we really do care. It is important that everyone has a voice. It is important that everyone gets a chance, and equal chance, to express themselves. It is also true that whatever you go looking for, you will find. If you look for love, you will find it. If you look for hate, you will find it. You cannot know a man's heart. You cannot know what someone else is thinking, or feeling, or their motivations behind their actions or words, unless they tell you (and even then, sometimes people lie). 

So, instead of thinking the worst about people, and making this a dark horrid place to live where people live in fear of being berated and bullied online and afraid to speak their minds respectfully, shouldn't we think better of people? If we all really want a Utopian Society, one where everyone is treated fairly and kindly, where thoughts and feelings can be expressed without fear of retribution, shouldn't we be the change we want to see? Isn't that a better use of our time, talents and energy? #bethechange