Wednesday, February 28, 2018


I now have finishitis. Startitis is when you want to start a bunch of projects, so finishitis is when you want to finish a bunch of projects. The problem is, finishing is a lot harder than starting.

Up first, I think: the Ice Queen cape. It is close to being done anyway. I went looking for the second skein, only to realize that this WAS the second skein. It really is close to being done. I just need to finish it.

Friday, February 23, 2018


It has been a little while since I last posted - I've been busy. Not busy knitting or crocheting, unfortunately, but busy with life. We all have these seasons. This is one of mine. Hubby and I are still waiting for a new job/place to live. I am still working, albeit slowly, on craft projects, homeschooling the three littles (although they are not so little anymore at 11, 7, and 3), teaching a class at the local college, church, and now taking a class for my doctorate. That is a lot of reading and writing. I don't mind quite so much, but I think once my teaching class is done, the other can retain my focus easier. I enjoy writing, which is part of the reason I have this blog.

I am still working on my Cosy Woodland Blanket, and am a little more than 1/3 of the way done. I am on color 40 of 117, I think. Then there is the border to be done. I wish I had a place to put all of my crafting things together, and hopefully one day soon I will. Living where we are, space is limited, but I saw a picture of something I wish I had time to play with from a few years ago:

My loving hubby bought me some Wollmeise Sock Yarn, and it is buried somewhere (like everything else). A beautiful blue and dark brownish-grey. My mind flits from project to project, and one day I will get to all my stash, I think. Provided that I live that long. =) We sometimes have stash beyond our life expectancy, but I would like to think mine is manageable, provided that I live until at least 80. Haha!

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

For me

Sometimes you need or want a quick project, just for yourself. Enter the Copy Cat C.C. beanie. I thought it would go nicely with my cowl. I think it will be done by Valentine's Day.

Monday, February 05, 2018


It has been a while since I posted, because the past two weeks have been crazy. I started teaching again,  my doctoral classes started, my Biblical counseling track started, and I have started preparing for the Ladies' Retreat at our church. Not to mention all the issues our church has had. Our pastor and music minister left, some of the members who held positions have left, and there are lots of holes to fill. So between external factors and regular cooking/cleaning/homeschooling factors and last week's insane weather causing sinus issues, I haven't been able to do much crafting. I am about a quarter done with my Woodland blanket. It sounds like a lot, but considering that it is supposed to be almost done, it really isn't. My V-neck Boxy  is still waiting, and I have a sleeve done on Little Man's birthday sweater. I still have not wound the yarn for that yet. I hope to catch up a bit after February with knitting and crochet goals. My reading goal is off to a good start - I have already read 2 books this year. I have at least 2 more to read before next week (they are short). But books are books.