Friday, November 24, 2017

No luck

This second sock must know that I would rather be knitting something else. It must know, because this will be the third time I have to start from the heel gusset.

The forces of knitting are against me as I am trying to finish Christmas knitting with time to spare. Actually, I just want to finish my Veronika for Christmas as well. If I can't finish this sock soon, everything else will get thrown off track, and even the other projects will be last minute.

I hope that once the semester is over for my college class, I can wrap up the children's school as well for the holidays and spend some time crafting.

How are your plans for the season going?

Monday, November 20, 2017

Colder weather

The temperatures are dropping this week. It was frosty this morning. Time to bundle up.

My Clapotis still looks pretty good these days, although it could use a good shave. I never did block it, but I love it as is.

What handknits are you wearing this week?

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Using what you have

I have not reached my goals for this week, mostly due to my being slightly lazy. There are always lots of things to do, and we all have the same 24 hours in everyday. How we choose to use them makes the difference. This week I was not as effective in my usage as I would like.

Next week is Thanksgiving here in the States, which means travel and family. I hope to use the travel time to knit and finish a couple of things. I have lots to do, and if I use what I have, I should be fine. How about you? Are you using what you have?

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Minor progress

I have been working on my Veronika and today I have worked on the second sock. It was languishing and I felt the need to get something done on it.

I made the children go outside today. Sometimes fresh air and exercise help your frame of mind. I have been having that issue. There is a Pandora's box of emotion and issues (mostly that deal with family, space, money and the holidays) that I try to keep a lid on, but some days the lid tries to open more than others.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Meeting goals...almost

I made 2 knitting goals this week and I almost made them. I wanted to be halfway done with the back for Veronika. I should have 24 repeats; I am at 19. I may finish those last 5 tonight.

I also had the goal of turning the heel of the second sock. I barely started ot yesterday, and I am sure I will make progress on it tomorrow during church. It sounds a bit odd I am sure, but yes, I knit during church. It is called cognative anchoring.

I also just got these. Have you tried them? They are removable stitch markers. Not fancy, but functional. And there is 100 of them.

Are you ready for Thanksgiving? We are getting ready. It is still a couple of weeks away, but now is the time!

Tuesday, November 07, 2017


I decided to rip out my Iced, and make a Veronika instead. With the armhole looking odd, it was just going to take too much brain power to figure out what to do to fix it, and the time was more than I wanted to spend. So instead, I cast on Veronika from Very Shannon.

After a little bit of a false start (I put the collar increases on the wrong row), it is going smoothly now. I have cast on the back stitches and am almost done with the collar increase section. My goal this week is to get half of the back done.

My other goal is to get to the heel turn on the second sock. I have done a good bit on the leg of the sock, but still have more to go.

I am starting to feel sick. I don't want to be sick, and really can't afford to be, but I hope a night or two of extra rest will help.

Thursday, November 02, 2017

Looking funny

I tried on my Iced cardigan. It somewhat fit - I was going for an oversized cardigan look, but this was a bit too oversized.

So I am reconsidering. I am planning on taking it out, and making Veronika, by Very Shannon. I like the comfy oversized nature of it, and it is between a vest and a cardigan. Since I usually push my sleeves up, I think it might suit me.

This week's goals

I had a couple of goals for this, that I posted last time. I wanted to finish the sock I had languishing for several weeks, which I did.

I also wanted to finish my Iced cardigan. I have been diligently working on the sleeves, and have one almost done. I may have been a bit overambitious to think I could finish both sleeves and the collar. I think I can finish the sleeves and start the collar this week. Next week may see the collar finished. I just want it done before the next cold snap.

I started on the matching sock for the finished one. That is my travel project, as socks are terrifically portable. I think next week's goals will be to finish the collar on my Iced and get the girls' Unice scarves sewn together and finished. Then all that is left for Christmas is a hat and scarf for Little Man, a pair of socks for my mother, and the mate to the sock finished this week.