It's been a while since I've posted anything. It's not that I haven't finished things, or wanted to, but sometimes the words fail. Sometimes time won't allow enough creativity to flow. Sometimes I forget. In any event, Christmas is just around the corner, and I'm trying to finish up a couple of gifts. I have found little time while homeschooling and doing chores to work on things. But, here is the plan. Once Christmas is over (this week), next week is about planning. I have to plan the next homeschooling semester, my homeschool co-op class, my Etsy shop, and a bill paying schedule (I've been flying by the seat of my pants for the past few months on that one, and need to get a better grasp about what's due when). I am having trouble finding things as well, like my contacts. I know I have a whole bunch of them somewhere, but I cannot find the box. I don't have room to unpack everything, as we do not live in our own house.
Which is my chief complaint at the moment. Changing lifestyles, I knew things would be hard. I knew things would be difficult. But some of this I did not expect. I guess there are always unexpected circumstances with a major change. College has that. Marriage does too. I would call these "growing pains" except it's not from growth. It's from pruning. Maybe these are just "pruning pains." Is there such a thing? Maybe it's shock from pruning. That I know really happens. How are your holiday plans coming?