Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Testing new things

I am attempting something new.

It may not be the greatest, but now I can hopefully post more pictures!  Here is the latest new project, a Flax for the baby to match her big sister.  The biggest problem right now is seeing as I type, so I have to carefully proofread before publishing.  Hope it all comes together!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Not so great Oatmeal

I think I have realized that the pattern of Oatmeal, as much as I like the looks of the sweater, just doesn't work for me.

I'm not sure what the issue is, but I think since this is the third time I've tried to knit it, and it's still not working, I should just cut my losses and pick a different pattern.  No matter how I try, it's just not obeying.  Time to dig on Ravelry for another pattern for the yarn.  I love Jane Richmond, and her patterns are wonderful, but this one just isn't working for me.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Summer Sweater Update

Well, I'm still working on my summer sweater for the KAL.  I did finish my Flax:

Ha!  I will take a completed photo of it this weekend.  It's time for school pictures for both my children, and the baby as well (can't very well leave her out of it, now can I?!), and I can add in the sweaters.  I'm SOOOOO close to finishing the body of my sweater, I actually hope to finish that by this weekend.  Oh, and remember these socks?

Well, it's been quite a week, and I had a chance to finish the second one today.  I thought these socks would NEVER get done.  I started them back for myself in January - January, people!  It's now September!  In any case, all I have to do is kitchner up the toe of the second sock, weave in the ends, and proudly wear them.  It's been a long time coming.

I managed to finish it while waiting in the doctor's office for my mother.  I told you this week has been crazy.  My parents were both sick at the same time, and that never happens.  Or at least, it hadn't happened until this week.  My dad had really high blood pressure and didn't want to get behind the wheel of a car, and my mom was sick with what we thought was a virus, but turned out to be her blood sugar.  So, since neither was really in a condition to drive, I got to cart them both to the doctor on separate occasions, one on Tuesday and one today.  I don't really mind, but it would have been a little more calm if I had known and could have planned with work a little better, instead of it being a last minute thing.  Both seem to be doing marginally better, and I'm hoping by the weekend both are well on their way to being well.

I realized after I finished the first Flax that I had enough to make the baby a matching sweater.  I also found yarn for another baby sweater never started for Princess, and I am constantly reminded of yet another started sweater that needs to be re-knit (and will now go to the baby) and I bought yarn to make yet another coordinating sweater for Princess.  I have been inundated with ideas; my hands just can't work as fast as my brain.

While knitting in the doctor's office, I found several of the older patients (and most of them were older) smiling in admiration at me.  Most said it took a lot of talent to knit a sock - I really wanted to tell them no, it doesn't take a lot of talent - just 4 needles and yarn.  I spoke to one lovely lady who had a bunch of crochet, knitting, and sewing items in storage in California, from before she moved here.  Her daughter had been encouraging her to get rid of it and she just didn't want to discard her treasures.  I helped her find the words to tell her daughter - it wasn't baggage, it was therapy.  Most people don't understand how crafts are therapy, and yet, they give us peace of mind.  They calm our soul, slow our breathing, help us center our minds and focus on something outside of ourselves.  So many people see only the hours upon hours of work only to find a flaw.  Crafts are not about perfection - they are usually about the process.  Of course we want a perfect end result (a sweater or socks that fit, no dropped stitches, beautiful lace or cable designs), but so much of it is about the process as well.  We wouldn't do what we do if it was all aggravation - we'd just purchase a machine knit sweater or manufactured skirt.  It's the rhythm and repetitive motion of making the garment that we enjoy.  It's the having to focus on one item and forget about the rest of the world and its troubles, even if it's only for 10 minutes.  It gives us a break from the hustle and bustle of our modern world, and connects us to past generations.  It connects us to future generations as well.  It's meditation and harmony and breathing.  It allows us to relax our minds and bodies while still being productive.

What are your thoughts?  Do you knit or crochet or sew for peace of mind or just for the end result?  What are you working on to find your zen?