Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Holy Crap!

I knew it'd been a while since I last posted, but I didn't realize it had been so long. So much has happened since the last time I posted...let's see if I can catch you up quickly.

1) Expecting baby #2 - will find out if it's a boy or a girl on April 20th. Watch for more news!

2) Have had a slightly different pregnancy this time around - passed out a couple of times and had nausea. I know, lovely thoughts.

3) I've picked up a few jobs here and there (knitting and crochet) - one being writing a pattern for a vest (working on it feverishly, but it's been rough with being pregnant). Also, have 2 more repair jobs in crochet to hopefully soon get done.

4) I've been asked to make a sweater for STITCHES South - EXTREMELY excited about this one. It should be lovely. I'll post more once everything has been received.

5) I did finally hear back from the recipient of the fingerless mitts - they were received and accepted gratefully.

I still have a TON of projects going on - I tried to compete in the Ravelympics. I made progress on the project, but didn't finish it. I hope to finish the vest pattern, then a couple of hats, then a sweater for Little Man, and hopefully move on from there. I'm really trying to finish stuff this year, but I continue to get side-tracked! More posting later!