Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Time flies...

when you're working and can't stop going for 10 minutes. It's been a wild 6 weeks. The new job is good, and I'm working on finding the balance again.

Believe it or not, I am finding a few stolen moments to knit from time to time. I'm re-vamping the "Knit to Fit" class...which by the way, is the ONLY class in the area where you learn basically how to write your own pattern and create a sweater for yourself to fit you (shameless plug, but hey, when you got it, flaunt it). I am actually working on a project, which must remain in secret for the recipient does occasionally read this and no spoiling the surprise. It is a holiday gift though...that much I can tell. I would like to get a few holiday gifts made before December, but the only way to do that is to work incessantly on them (which still might happen...who knows?). I'm currently avoiding housework in favor of updating this blog, and I'm about to go upstairs and knit while I watch some TV. Nothing wrong with some TV knitting...they fit well together. :)

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

So much to do!

Ack! There's so much to do...Avon is going well, thanks to those who order from me! I'm really enjoying it too. Work is not too bad. I've been there for almost a full 3 weeks, and am getting properly trained (thank the Lord). Did I mention I'm working again? Maybe I didn', I'm working again. A regular, full-time accounting position. It's closer to home, more money, better environment...all around a good move. I'm still not thrilled with having to work outside the home, but our finances dictate otherwise. In any case, both jobs are actually doing well, although the Avon side could use a little help (please shop online here!).

I'm starting to teach at TWNY as well. Saturday is my first class, and I'm so excited!!!! It's my Knit to Fit class. I have only 4 spots left (hurry and fill them!) and it should be a lot of fun. The class will only last a couple of hours for the next 3 Saturdays. You'll get to make a fabulous sweater vest (one of the season's hot looks, for those who like to be up-to-date in their wardrobe) and it will be customized to you! You can go here to sign up. The staff is terrific, and I'm thrilled to teach...again. :) That's all for now...must run and get ready for work!