I'm actually swamped at work, although this is the first week I've had a breather.
Knitting is not progressing, but hopefully this weekend it will, since we're taking a road-trip, and if I can get my hubby to drive at least part of the way, then maybe I can knit a little. I miss it, and hopefully tonight after I get the baby's bag packed, I can sit down and knit a little.
I've recently gotten hooked on Sudoku. I'm not really much of a numbers person, although I do work as an accountant. I'm not usually a number puzzle kind of person; I prefer word puzzles (give me a cryptogram anytime!). However, I'm slowly working through a book given to us by type-A people right after I came home with our "perfect" son (the doctor's words, not mine!). I'm now addicted.