Monday, December 18, 2023

A Year of Goals

As the year winds down, I am reflecting on my goals for this year. I made progress on all of them, which is great, but I did not do as much as I had hoped. Part of that was my expectation for myself and my goals. Part of it may have been I took on too much (a common problem I have). 

Blog more.
I managed to accomplish this one. This was an easy goal to reach, and I am glad I was able to do it. Low hanging fruit, right? 

Keep the food budget to $400 per month.
This one was a lot harder than I expected. Inflation definitely did not help with this goal. We have started using more and more from our pantry, which helps. It is very hard with a family of five to keep fresh items (bread, milk, eggs, cheese, etc) on just $400. I am trying to get it to $500, so maybe that is more realistic.

Start a garden.
I tried - I really did. It just did not work. I think I over reached on this one. There just was not enough time or energy to put into that. Plus the weather this year made it really hard. I wasn't the only one who struggled. It was hot and dry, which isn't usually the case. We're used to hot weather in the summer, but the lack of rain hurt many gardens. I also think my time is spread too thin for this one. Maybe just yard work next year?

Pay more attention to my health.
While I have been paying more attention to my health, some of the best visible ways have yet to progress. My weight is still an issue. I saw a few pictures of myself in the past several weeks, and they were quite... eye-opening? Upsetting? Jarring? Definitely unflattering. And very discouraging. 

There have been a lot of minor issues that keep me from achieving this goal. Sometimes it is always little pebbles and not big stones that block the path. So you have to learn how to sweep them aside, and that's where I am. I am getting more sleep to fill my sleep deficit and starting to walk most days. I have been making better food choices, because SLEEP. It is amazing what little sleep can do. I definitely feel more in control since getting more sleep. However, now that I finally can sleep, I need so much of it! I feel as though half my day is resting. But sometimes that is what you need. 

Read 50 new books this year.
I made a little progress the past two weeks, but I was busy with appointments and planning for camp with my girls, and I just didn't have enough time to read much. I have been prioritizing reading at night, which has helped. Also, during my walks I am listening to audiobooks. It's about the only time I can listen and can focus my attention on the book. I made it through 27 books, so it was over half my goal. I may get through another one or two before the year ends, if I keep walking with audiobooks.

How to Use a Planner Without Wasting Time, Mystie Winckler 
Poor Richard, James Daugherty
The Empowered Wife, Laura Doyle
Fortress of the Lost Amulet, Michael Webb
Different, Sally Clarkson
Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe
The Convivial Homeschool, Mystie Winckler
The Out-of-Sync Child, Carol Stock Kranowitz
How to Manage Your Home without Losing Your Mind, Dana K. White
The Nemechek Protocol, Patrick Nemechek 
Trejo: My Life of Crime, Redemption, and Hollywood, Danny Trejo
The Magnolia Table, Joanna Gaines
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith
Legend of the Golden City, Michael Webb
The 4 Hour School Day, Durenda Wilson
The Unhurried Homeschooler, Durenda Wilson 
The Professor, Charlotte Bronte
Shadow of Betrayal, Michael Webb
Christy, Catherine Marshall
A Fall of Marigolds, Susan Meissner
Catch That Cookie!, Hallie Durand
The Adrenal Thyroid Solution, Aviva Romm
Living The Christian Year, Bobby Gross
Awaking Wonder, Sally Clarkson
Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, Agatha Christie

Declutter our home and make it hospitable.
This one is up for debate. I do keep making small adjustments here and there, and that's progress. The boxes I brought from the storage unit are almost taken care of - I have another to go through. The things removed are mostly put away. I did make some progress in this as well. 

Complete 12 craft projects in progress.
I believe I am up to 5 of these. There are still many more to go. But I am whittling away at it. I also have boxes upon boxes of fabric in our storage unit to go through, along with patterns and various other things. 

All in all, not a great achievement year for me, but it was still progress. Next year I may trim the number of goals and make them more achievable. A lot of these were vague, which leaves room for movement but denies the ability to truly mark it off the list. I hope to take some time after Christmas and map out next year, with clearer goals and a plan for all the extra things that I should anticipate (birthday parties, Christmas gifts and extra events, somewhat spontaneous fun things). For now, I am going to enjoy the Christmas season and start baking! My joy for this time of year has returned (for several years I was just muddling through and not really enjoying it - but not this year!). 'Tis the season! God has been so gracious this year with struggles that have led to blessings. He has surrounded us with so many loving friends who have grown so close and dear to us, because of our challenges. Our family has become stronger through our trials, and we are looking forward to seeing the growth and fruit from the pruning. 

What about you? Are you enjoying the season? Or are you reflecting on this past year already? Do you look back to look forward? 

Sunday, October 08, 2023


In my post this morning, I mentioned about not getting help. This has been the case in the past, at school and at work. I want to revise this. Recently, God has placed some amazing people in my life, that do whatever they can to help. I do not want to disregard them, or deny God's great provision. I have some terrific friends, a lovely church family, and my own family that do as much as they can to help whenever it is needed .

I have been deeply blessed with a tremendous church family, who truly demonstrate God's love and act as His hands and feet. We are a mismatched, rag-tag lot held together by a common love of Jesus. We are far from perfect - we all have vices, flaws, sins, and hang-ups. We are traveling together down this road of life, helping each other where we can, sharpening each other in the love of Christ. We make many mistakes, both on our own and to each other. We ask forgiveness, give it, and move on. 

If you have never experienced this, I am sorry. It is a shame that not every church is like this. I have been in those as well. Unfortunately, not all church members are really followers of Christ. This makes a huge difference. When you are surrounded by true authentic followers of Christ, it is an amazing, unbelievable group of people. 

If you have ever read Pilgrim's Progress, you know that Christian travels from the City of Destruction to the Heavenly City. Along the way, he meets several people, many who become friends. They don't all travel the entire distance with him, and many are fake. This is the truth of the Christian walk. There are many times I have seen those who are not truly authentic followers, and they cause others to stumble. At times, I have been one of those as well. In all honesty, most Christians have. It's a sad truth, but we are all human and make mistakes (mistakes = sin, in case there was any doubt. In an effort to be real, I want to be clear about that. I sinned. There - I said it). 

If I have offended you, that was not my intention. If you feel called out, that was also not my intention. If you don't have this kind of community, but want one, let me help. If you are local to me, please message me and we'll meet up. If not, we can still connect and I would be glad to help find this type of family near you.


Just when you start to get back on track, something happens. This past week I got sick. It wasn't just a cold or sinus issue, like I normally have during the changing seasons. This came like a bulldozer. I had a "mild" case of pneumonia, called "walking pneumonia". It has really knocked me for a loop. It has taken more out of me than expected. I could push through a lot of this, but I just don't have the wherewithal to do that. There was a time when I would, but this isn't it. Perhaps it's selfishness on my part. I will admit that I am getting a bit selfish, because I do a lot for others and when I need help the most, hardly ever get it. I have been "strong, able-bodied, and independent" so much that now when I ask for help, my request is ignored or pushed aside. Does that sound like whining? It's not meant to be. 

I have been slowly getting back into the swing of things, but I have also been taking more time for myself. I started reading - I wasn't able to read much this summer, so I am making up for lost time. This summer was much faster than I expected, and not a real break like I hoped. Barreling down life at breakneck speed isn't for everyone. And everyone needs a break now and again. I hope that this short break will help me get back on top of things. 

Finished books:

Christy by Catherine Marshall - this is a book I read ages ago, but the book club my daughter was in read it in August. I am keeping up with their booklist, as it's beautiful this year, and I could use the beauty. If you haven't read this one, I highly recommend it. It's a beautiful story of a young woman, full of ideals, who goes to teach in the Appalachian mountains in Tennessee. While fictionalized, it is based on a true story. I marked several places to put into my common place book, once I start that again (I am really behind on that one). 

Shadow of Betrayal by Michael Webb - I went to high school with Michael, so I know the author, which could lead you to believe that I am biased. I will say that although I may be, I try to be objective when reading and truly evaluate the story on its own merits. I have read just about everything Michael has written, and I have passed them on to my son. I don't hand my 16 year old junk books! Michael's books are solid, well crafted stories. He's a native Georgian, so if you want to read a local author, grab one! His books are fantastic fantasy, classified as Young Adult fantasy, but I have never been bored with them. I honestly don't read a TON of fantasy - fiction, yes, but not usually fantasy - but I love his series. 

Picking back up and starting:
Awaking Wonder by Sally Clarkson - this was supposed to be a Mother's book club book, but it got pushed aside (the book club, not the book). I was reading it before and I got distracted with other books, as normal for me, and I am back at it. 

A Fall of Marigolds by Susan Meissner - this is my daughter's book club September selection. I had seen it and wanted to read it, so I am picking it up now.

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie - this is the October selection for her book club. I love Agatha Christie books. I have wanted to read more of them, but never picked them up. Until now. I have introduced my son to her writing with And Then There Were None and he loved it. 

Thursday, September 21, 2023


Ever feel behind before you even get started? Yeah, I am kinda there. I feel like I need at least a week when nothing is required of me, so I can just cover the basics. Unfortunately, life doesn't work like that. What I do know is this: feelings change. I read a response Stephen Frye once wrote to a fan who was depressed and he said that feelings are like the weather. You have to accept them, but also know they will not last forever. So, that is where I am. I have my umbrella, but I am hopeful that the sun will shine again. 

I have been doing bits and pieces of things, but not making significant progress on anything. 

My health is a little stagnant, but I am trying a new supplement to lower cortisol. It's all natural, with few side effects, which is always nice. I am attempting to get more sleep and not put quite so much pressure on myself to hurry and get things done, but instead to move steadily. Slow and steady wins the race, right?

Crafts have been plodding along, but again, no major changes there either. Reading is the same - I spent most of the summer NOT reading, as there were many random things happening that did not allow me to focus for long. I am getting back into the swing of it though. The consequence of not reading over the summer means I am behind on some pre-reads, and behind on my goals. 

The garden failed, if not from the intense heat, then from not being weeded (my fault) and being partially mowed (not my fault). I found my jalapeno plants were actually banana pepper plants, part of Peppergate 2023. From what I understand, I wasn't the only one this happened to; something happened in the supply chain to confuse the seedlings and lots of people had this issue.

The house is still in process - some places are better than others. 

This chair is now mine. It was a pain to get in the house, but we did it. It is amazingly comfortable, even if it was a massive pain to move. It was worth every penny. I am still working on many spaces, 

Monday, September 04, 2023

Stressed and blessed

One of my goals this year is to focus on my health. Over the past twelve years, life has been incredibly stressful. I don't mean daily things, like traffic, decisions, cleaning, etc. I mean big things - moving, children, job changes. Experts tell you to manage your stress - that's hard when it's things beyond your control. 

It is amazing what lengths your body will go to in order to tell you to slow down. Mine has done crazy things - migraine variants that looked like strokes, allergy symptoms with coughing and sneezing, being physically sick and unable to be far from a bathroom. Therefore, for the next four month, I am prioritizing sleep and water. My children have complained about various aches and pains (headaches, backaches, leg aches, etc) and I tell them to drink water. Miraculously, the aches and pains disappear. 

I have downloaded a new app, Sleep Score, to see if it can help me out. I try to have a good bedtime routine, and stay consistent. Interrupted nights happen though, and sometimes it's not something I can avoid, but sometimes it is. We will see what this does in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, here's to good health.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Checking In

It's been a while. We have been so busy with this season of life. We've had doctor appointments, dentist appointments, church activities, friend activities, family activities. It's been good, but busy. 

Since children's camp, the kids all went to their grandparents' house for a couple of weeks. I cleaned and tried to get declutter my room. I made decent progress in the room proper, but the closet now needs help. We managed to get our dresser from the storage unit into our room, so that was a good move. Then our air conditioner decided to go out. We had some Freon added and the coils cleaned, and it's back in business. The man who installed it didn't put a filter in it, and left vague instructions on how/what to do. I am unhappy with that, but he's no longer in business, so there's nothing else to do.

In an effort to be accountable, here is my progress since the last time I blogged.

Blog more.
I haven't been blogging as much recently, but maybe this fall with school back in session, my weekly schedule will allow for more posts.

Keep the food budget to $400 per month.
This is still not met, even though I have made progress. We could do a Cheap Eats week, and we might a few times this fall, once the weather cools down. 

Start a garden.
The garden is overgrown with weeds, and I found my jalapeno plants are not jalapenos. They are banana peppers. Ridiculous, right? My tomato plants have produced some, but I really think the heat has done more damage than my neglect. June and July were unseasonably dry, and then August got really hot. We had what we call "false fall" - a slight reprieve from the 90 degree plus heat for a few days, before it starts again. 

Pay more attention to my health.
I tried a new tactic over the past 2 weeks for eating. It hasn't been successful either - I am adding more water, but the bottom line with this lesson that I think I learned is that my body isn't ready yet. I am focusing on sleep and my mental health, as it is all integrated, in a new tactic this week. I was paying attention to what I ate, and then I didn't, and I don't think my weight really changed (I drank less water, so I know I am retaining some, but drinking more should counter that).

Read 50 new books this year.
I haven't read as much as I would have like in the past few weeks. Going a little seems to dampen that. I have a queue though, and I actually read more when school is going. There is one book I am close to finishing, two are started, and I have at least two more in line. With four and a half months left, I will have to spend a lot of time reading to make 50 this year.

How to Use a Planner Without Wasting Time, Mystie Winckler 
Poor Richard, James Daugherty
The Empowered Wife, Laura Doyle
Fortress of the Lost Amulet, Michael Webb
Different, Sally Clarkson
Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe
The Convivial Homeschool, Mystie Winckler
The Out-of-Sync Child, Carol Stock Kranowitz
How to Manage Your Home without Losing Your Mind, Dana K. White
The Nemechek Protocol, Patrick Nemechek 
Trejo: My Life of Crime, Redemption, and Hollywood, Danny Trejo
The Magnolia Table, Joanna Gaines
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith
Legend of the Golden City, Michael Webb
The 4 Hour School Day, Durenda Wilson
The Lazy Genius Kitchen, Kendra Adachi
The Unhurried Homeschooler, Durenda Wilson 

Declutter our home and make it hospitable.
I mentioned before that I started working on my room. It had become kind of a dumping ground and neglected while I worked on other parts of the house. I still wish I could take a month and focus on it, but that's not possible. So, I have to make small changes as the weeks pass. There are a few things that I can do during the week, and I will have to save major projects for the weekends. 

Complete 12 craft projects in progress.
I finished my sweater, and a hat, but I don't know if either really counts as an "in progress" item. I am using my stash, and not buying more yarn for projects (mostly - the hat was an exception), and I started another sweater for myself. I am planning on making progress with a WIP that's about 5 years old. That sounds terrible, doesn't it? Fortunately, it will still be welcomed by the recipient. I hope to have it done for Christmas.

Forgive the terrible picture - it was taken in haste and excitement. The sweater fits perfectly and doesn't slide backwards. It is made of silk yarn, and it is perfect for most of the year here.

The hat has been blocked, and I am debating on adding a pom-pom to it. I can make one from the same yarn, or get a white faux fur one, either of which can be detachable. I just haven't decided yet.

I think that's all the progress I have made on my goals for this year. The summer was supposed to be a "catch-up" season, where the responsibilities were less and time would be freer. That didn't work out the way I expected. Maybe the routine of fall and school will help.

Sunday, July 09, 2023

Bi-weekly Check In #26

Ever start to feel like you are completely failing at everything? That is the way I have felt this past week. I seem to be falling short in so many areas, or not making progress, that I feel like I am failing. So let's see what happened this week.

Blog more.
Yep. This one has definitely been working, so that's a success.

Keep the food budget to $400 per month.
Nope, but I have been making progress, by finding more resources for us. I am still experimenting with it, so there is progress rather than full-on success.

Start a garden.
It has been started, but needs some attention. There were blooms on several plants, and I have been slow to weed.

Pay more attention to my health.
While I have been paying more attention to my health, some of the best visible ways have yet to progress. My weight is still an issue. I saw a few pictures of myself in the past two weeks, and they were quite... eye-opening? Upsetting? Jarring? Definitely unflattering. And very discouraging. 

Read 50 new books this year.
I made a little progress the past two weeks, but I was busy with appointments and planning for camp with my girls, and I just didn't have enough time to read much. Maybe I can in the next few weeks before school starts.

How to Use a Planner Without Wasting Time, Mystie Winckler 
Poor Richard, James Daugherty
The Empowered Wife, Laura Doyle
Fortress of the Lost Amulet, Michael Webb
Different, Sally Clarkson
Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe
The Convivial Homeschool, Mystie Winckler
The Out-of-Sync Child, Carol Stock Kranowitz
How to Manage Your Home without Losing Your Mind, Dana K. White
The Nemechek Protocol, Patrick Nemechek 
Trejo: My Life of Crime, Redemption, and Hollywood, Danny Trejo
The Magnolia Table, Joanna Gaines
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith
Legend of the Golden City, Michael Webb
The 4 Hour School Day, Durenda Wilson
The Unhurried Homeschooler, Durenda Wilson 

Declutter our home and make it hospitable.
This one is up for debate. I do keep making small adjustments here and there, and that's progress. The boxes I brought from the storage unit are almost taken care of - I have 2 to return (out of 8) and another to go through. The things removed are about half way put away. I hope to finish the remaining box this week.

Complete 12 craft projects in progress.
I believe I am up to 4 now of these. I am still working on my sweater, as I didn't get it finished before camp. I did manage to get the majority of the body finished while riding - I need to complete the ribbing and then do the sleeves.

Life has been barreling along for me. I regularly feel inadequate for parenting my children, and combined with the body image issues, makes me feel like a failure in so many ways. Recent experiences continue to show me that no matter how far I think I have come (in anything), there is still much further to go. I recognize my faults so deeply that I question my ability to do anything well.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Bi-weekly Check In #24

June has been an incredibly busy month. We had Vacation Bible School June 4th through the 8th, at night. That led to VERY late nights for all of us. Then last week was Art Camp for the girls, which they loved, but kept us going all week. To say we're tired is an understatement! I am also watching my youngest closely because she has signs of strep. Her throat hurt and her tonsils are red and swollen, but we're waiting a day or two to make sure it's not just allergies (been there). 

Blog more.

Keep the food budget to $400 per month.
Still working on this. I am utilizing all the resources available to make this work. I don't know if I will ever get it there, but I keep trying to trim the food budget every way I can. 

Start a garden.
I think the garden is going to grow beautiful plants that never produce. I usually have this issue. I'm not sure what the problem is, but I can get the plants to grow, just not flower and produce. My peas, zucchini, and tomatoes are all growing nicely. I even found some plant food in my gardening box that I used on them. This week looks like a lot of rain, which will be helpful. I have weeded some, but it needs more attention. 

Pay more attention to my health.
Is it odd that emptying boxes and cleaning makes me feel good? I hope to do that a lot this week, and drink more water.  

Read 50 new books this year.
I did finish a couple more books. They were short, but sometimes that's what you need. I'm up to 16 books now. That's a bit behind where it should be for halfway through the year, but I will make up for it. 

How to Use a Planner Without Wasting Time, Mystie Winckler 
Poor Richard, James Daugherty
The Empowered Wife, Laura Doyle
Fortress of the Lost Amulet, Michael Webb
Different, Sally Clarkson
Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe
The Convivial Homeschool, Mystie Winckler
The Out-of-Sync Child, Carol Stock Kranowitz
How to Manage Your Home without Losing Your Mind, Dana K. White
The Nemechek Protocol, Patrick Nemechek 
Trejo: My Life of Crime, Redemption, and Hollywood, Danny Trejo
The Magnolia Table, Joanna Gaines
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith
Legend of the Golden City, Michael Webb
The 4 Hour School Day, Durenda Wilson
The Unhurried Homeschooler, Durenda Wilson 

Declutter our home and make it hospitable.
I brought several boxes from our storage unit to go through and see what needs to go. There are several other things that I need to do as well, like a good deep clean of the front bathroom and making a place for our dresser. This week, the children are staying with their grandparents so I hope to get several projects done. 

Complete 12 craft projects in progress.
I finished an embroidery piece for my oldest daughter. I had to correct my Saoirse, so that set me back a few rows. I am working to get it finished by camp in July. I picked up another knitting piece that I had decided to rework, and took more out.   

How has your week been?

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Weekly Check-in #21

This week held so much for us! DH (Darling Husband) was off work, but he was busy with his side hustle, so it was almost like he wasn't here. 

Blog more.
Five months in, and I am still blogging. That's a decent accomplishment these days. 

Keep the food budget to $400 per month.
I haven't reached this goal yet. I think I may make $500, but this month has had a few extra things, like a birthday with a special cake to make and 3 gallons of strawberries. Special items increase the budget. I do think some helpful things are: buy staples and stock up when you can, eat rotating meals, plan ahead a LOT, don't purchase specialty items (unless on sale!), and grow what you can/eat seasonally. I don't think there's anything revolutionary in that advice. 

I will say I think making things that you might ordinarily buy saves money. I have run out of baking mix and can't find the cheap version at Aldi. It can be made, and I have flour on hand. The hardest part is storing it. I have (somewhere) a metal bowl with a lid. I will also be making strawberry syrup, strawberry soup (strawberries with sugar), and strawberry lemonade concentrate.

Start a garden.
Now I have to tend this one. It's in the maintenance phase. I got more tomato plants, since some of the first ones didn't make it. 

The spigot got fixed! It was more than I hoped to spend, but it's done.

Pay more attention to my health.
Since coming off my medication, I have a lot more energy, which means I am much more active. Being active decreases my weight (in theory - not so much in practice), and also lowers my blood pressure.  

Read 50 new books this year.
I have been really busy with the house, so reading time has been pushed back a bit. I picked up another book though, and it's not quite what I expected but I think it's better. 

How to Use a Planner Without Wasting Time, Mystie Winckler 
Poor Richard, James Daugherty
The Empowered Wife, Laura Doyle
Fortress of the Lost Amulet, Michael Webb
Different, Sally Clarkson
Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe
The Convivial Homeschool, Mystie Winckler
The Out-of-Sync Child, Carol Stock Kranowitz
How to Manage Your Home without Losing Your Mind, Dana K. White
The Nemechek Protocol, Patrick Nemechek 
Trejo: My Life of Crime, Redemption, and Hollywood, Danny Trejo
The Magnolia Table, Joanna Gaines
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith
Legend of the Golden City, Michael Webb

I pulled another book from my list, in a category I haven't started yet. Now that the birthday party is over, my routine can get back to normal.

Declutter our home and make it hospitable.
There was SO much progress made this week. While cleaning the dining room, I found another box for the kitchen. I also found painting supplies! I borrowed a roller frame from a friend (the one thing that was missing), and now I can paint the front bathroom. I have also decided to paint the kitchen. It's a yellow with red trim, and the kids call it a "hot dog" kitchen. Not my thing, but I have enough white paint from the ceilings that I can do the bathroom and the kitchen. I also found the EXACT color I wanted for the bathroom, and I think there will be enough. 

I found I need to mulch again. Fortunately, that's a $0 project, as I have some bags leftover from when we did them the first time. All I need to do is load the wheelbarrow and distribute it.

There is a place where I want to make a path with tiles or stone. It has been worn over time, and gets muddy when it rains. I would really like to use some pea gravel and stone tiles, if I can find them free or cheap. It's not a huge area, and it can wait until the right time. The driveway also needs to be fixed. It's gravel, and there are some holes that have developed. I think most of that will be a shovel and tamper to pack it down.  

While it feels very frustrating most days to have so much stuff to go through, one of the beautiful blessings of that is finding things that are really useful to you. What we can't use, we pass on, especially when we have duplicates. 

Complete 12 craft projects in progress.
My Saoirse is still in progress. I work on it at night, and still hope to have it done soon. I need to iron some material and make curtains for the pantry/laundry room. I hope to get through several things this fall, after I make my craft space.   

It's been a good week, although I don't know that I made a lot of progress on any particular goal. Sometimes the small steps make the biggest impact though, and it's more about being consistent than giant leaps. God is using these goals to teach me consistency. What are you learning?

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Weekly check in #20

This week was a week. We did a lot of stuff, and I have been working on the house for my youngest's birthday. 

Blog more.
This one is a definite yes. It may not be quite as often as I would like, but it's there.

Keep the food budget to $400 per month.
I haven't reached this goal yet. 

June is coming next week, and I have yet another plan. I am going to be EXTREMELY busy and I need SUPER simple things for dinner. I am going to do a weekly rotation and see what that gets me. I have about 4 meals planned already and I need 3 more for the week. 

Start a garden.
Done! I was later than I wanted to be, but it got tilled by a sweet friend and I planted a few things. I was even able to find tomato plants for FREE! 

I didn't think it would work, because our outside spigot isn't working correctly. I have someone coming Wednesday to look at it, and at least tell me what's wrong with it.

I also propagated basil that needs to be planted in a container. The rosemary hasn't done anything yet, but I am still hopeful. The few stems I put in water are still green, but no roots yet.

Pay more attention to my health.
I have been drinking more water and I have some wonderful benefits from it. I have been able to stop my blood pressure medicine and things are going well. I am continuing to monitor it, so I know if I need it again. 

I have been taking time for some things that I enjoy. I start my mornings with a candle, a cup of coffee, and a song. It's quiet, but I just sing. I have been remembering old hymns that I love, and just singing. 

Read 50 new books this year.
I finished more books, bringing my total to 14.  Here's the list so far:

How to Use a Planner Without Wasting Time, Mystie Winckler 
Poor Richard, James Daugherty
The Empowered Wife, Laura Doyle
Fortress of the Lost Amulet, Michael Webb
Different, Sally Clarkson
Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe
The Convivial Homeschool, Mystie Winckler
The Out-of-Sync Child, Carol Stock Kranowitz
How to Manage Your Home without Losing Your Mind, Dana K. White
The Nemechek Protocol, Patrick Nemechek 
Trejo: My Life of Crime, Redemption, and Hollywood, Danny Trejo
The Magnolia Table, Joanna Gaines
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith
Legend of the Golden City, Michael Webb

I am trying to stick to my list, but I also have holes to fill. This week I have another book or two, hopefully that I can get through, but it's a busy week.

Declutter our home and make it hospitable.
I tackled the dining room the past couple of weeks. I moved a bunch of stuff, and tidied it up. It's so much better now, even though I'm not finished. 

A part of the home is the yard. Curb appeal makes a difference. Our yard is a bit underwhelming at the moment because we need some basic yardwork done. It's nothing major, just some leaves blown and some sticks and limbs cleaned up from some storms we haven't gotten around to yet. The grass needed cutting as well, and there's a man who used to come around during the summer and I would occasionally pay him to cut it. I got him to come this week, but we had a minor problem. 

His mower caught on fire. We doused it but it's gone. More sweet friends are coming to blow leaves tomorrow and help with clean up. I am so thankful God has put lovely friends in our lives that can lend us a helping hand. 

Complete 12 craft projects in progress.
I am still knitting away on my Saoirse (the green sweater). It wasn't an "in progress" craft, but last week the girls and I tie dyed shirts with friends.  

It was a fun time and we got new shirts!

It's been an eventful two weeks and this week should be busy, even if it's not with goals. Not every week is focused on reaching out goals, but keeping them in our line of sight helps us attain them. How are your yearly goals coming?

Friday, May 12, 2023

New cleaning tools

I really want to be able to clean my house well. Don't get me wrong - I am not a major cleaner. I just like to be able to clean it. It makes a big difference. So I have tried to be consistent with decluttering, following Dana White's method. Since I am merging 4 households, it's slow going. 

One issue I had was mopping. I always hated mopping as a youngster, because you had to move the world in order to do it "right". Same with vacuuming. First, I have given myself permission to just do the middles. I give you permission too. Deep clean and scrub after moving everything works if you have the time, but who has time weekly for that? 

All that I have is a broom and dust pan, a stick vacuum, and a steam mop because we only have hardwood floors. It was hard to go directly from vacuuming to steam mopping, with nothing in between, until now. I have seen FaceBook reels with a new mop, the O'Cedar EasyWring mop and bucket. I watched several of these, and read reviews. I had a few things to return to Walmart, so I decided to try the mop. 

I have to say, it really does live up to the hype. It's a new favorite tool. I mopped the kitchen (one of the grimiest floors in any home) and I was able to scrub it and not wait long for it to dry. I even cleaned it out and wiped down the front of my oven, dishwasher, and cabinets. I was pleased with the results. There are many more floors to do, but one done. For this week.

Another secret I found for cleaning - cheap cleaning supplies. Our local dollar store has really good cleaners. They work, they smell good, and are only $1.25.

My last favorite cleaning tool: Scrub Daddy. Have you seen it? It's basically just a plastic scrubber that will become moldable in warm water.

Seriously, I was a little doubtful of this one too. But I have cleaned dishes and other gross things, and I am impressed. 

I don't usually follow hype about much, but these live up to the claims. For now. Time will tell, but they are making my cleaning easier.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Bi-weekly Check in #18

It looks like this is becoming a bi-weekly check in on my goals, rather than a weekly one. I should fix that. 

Progress this week:

Blog more.
While I am blogging more, it is not as often as I would like. Perhaps if I try to schedule it in during the week plus an update on the weekends, I will find more opportunities.

Keep the food budget to $400 per month.
I still haven't reached this goal. I have made considerable progress on the pantry, and I even found a better way (or at least different) to store all my cans. I had a cart with art supplies in it, one of those 10 drawer ones. I emptied it (I was going to use a cabinet for my art supplies) and put cans in it. It's not perfect but it's free. I am still trying to use what is in our pantry, but some weeks I get stymied as I just don't know what to do with what we have. There are meals that are okay, but aren't anyone's favorite and I don't want to repeat them too often. 

Start a garden.
I still need to till the garden area, but I can't find the key to the gate lock. Tillers aren't usually light enough to lift over a fence either. I have started propagating some rosemary and basil.

We have a large rosemary bush in the yard, but it has become woody and some of it got frostbit this winter. I read that you can start new plants for basil and rosemary this way, so I will find out if that's true or not. In the meantime, we're still looking for the key.

Pay more attention to my health.
I still think I am fighting my sinuses, but I am determined to make decent advancement on this one this week. I want to drink more water and possibly start exercising a little here and there. The girls and I are going to a camp in July, and I want to be down a few pounds and be able to walk more. We will all need new shoes, but we had that planned. Sometimes a short term goal helps make more improvement.

Read 50 new books this year.
I finished another book, bringing my total to 10. Here's the list so far:

How to Use a Planner Without Wasting Time, Mystie Winckler 
Poor Richard, James Daugherty
The Empowered Wife, Laura Doyle
Fortress of the Lost Amulet, Michael Webb
Different, Sally Clarkson
Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe
The Convivial Homeschool, Mystie Winckler
The Out-of-Sync Child, Carol Stock Kranowitz
How to Manage Your Home without Losing Your Mind, Dana K. White
The Nemechek Protocol, Patrick Nemechek 

I have been reading during my lunch break, and I have finished 3 books in the past 2 weeks. That's not too bad. I started a new book this week: Trejo. I am also about 70% done with A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I hope to finish both this week. 

Declutter our home and make it hospitable.
When you have a lot of spaces that need work, it's hard to focus on just one, it seems. I did spend some time in the pantry, but also in my bathroom and the alcove (this odd space in front of our closet). I have plans to make it my crafting space, but it's a mess at the moment. The cabinet I wanted to use for my art supplies didn't fit well in the space I wanted to use it in, even though I measured. So it got moved to our bathroom. I also got hampers to help keep laundry out of our tub. The bathroom still has a ways to go, but it's much more functional now. I was slightly disappointed that the cabinet wouldn't work in the alcove, and I was also slightly disappointed that it isn't working like I thought it would in the bathroom. However, sometimes you have to be flexible and let go of your preconceived notions. 

There is a birthday at the end of this month and I have to focus on the main living areas so we can have friends over. Hopefully things will advance in a couple of them quickly.

Complete 12 craft projects in progress.
I am knitting away on my Saoirse (the green sweater). It's a lovely silk yarn and it's just the body I am finishing. It should hopefully be done soon-ish. I need to complete an embroidery piece for my 12 year old, and maybe I can soon. It's hard because I need a bit of time and focus to undo a little bit and then fix it. I am a bit behind on this goal, I think. There are some sewing projects that could be done quickly, and I may see to those later this month. 

Friday, April 28, 2023

Working towards goals

I am not always the best at reaching long-term goals. I think most people can say that. We fizzle out somewhere in the middle, when life happens and the tunnel seems longer than expected. I have been in a recent homeschool boot camp group, and one of the things that has stuck with me is: never miss twice.

While this idea was about maintaining consistency in homeschool, I have been applying it to daily cleaning tasks. It has occurred to me to apply it to all my goals.  I should make better progress with them like that, and it gives me grace. 

I finished another book this week, and started a new one. I read How to Manage Your Home without Losing Your Mind by Dana White. I have read her blog for a couple of years and I read Decluttering at the Speed of Life in 2021. This brings my total to 9 books read this year. It's a bit slow. This summer should give me a bit more time to read, but I am making decent progress. I picked up Trejo at the library. I had an empty space in my Biography category, so this will fill it. 

I am trying to read more and finding pockets of time in my day has been fun, but I sometimes get caught up in the book and don't do what I should. That's a problem I haven't had for ages, and I think it's a good one. What do you think?