Monday, September 30, 2013

Slower than expected

I was on vacation last week, and I intended to take pictures of my craft stuff.  Really, I did.  Instead, I took some pictures of my children playing on a playground and I played a little with some of the lenses I have.  I'm still not great with it all, and have issues from time to time, but it wasn't bad.  I'll post those pictures later.  Now, since tomorrow is October 1st, I have 30 days to make my children's Halloween costumes.  I had thought I would get by with them just wanting to wear last year's, but no - I'm not that lucky.  So, my son decided to be a knight, and I will finally use the pattern I bought about 2 years ago.  My daughter, of course, wants to be a princess.  But not just any princess will do.

Courtesy of Disney Junior

She wants to be Sofia.  So, what's a mother to do?  Make the costume, of course.  First order of business is the fabric.  I'm going to hit the cheap spots first - the thrift stores.  Let's see what I can find.

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