Saturday, April 22, 2023

Thoughts from this week

A friend of mine passed away this week. She was a couple of years younger than me, and lost a battle with leukemia. She was a sweet, caring, loving wife and mother. It saddens me to know her two young boys will grow up without a mom. Their older brother has to navigate his adulthood without her guidance. Their father is a kind, loving, hardworking man, but a father cannot replace a mother. The two parents work in tandem for the best outcome. 

I started thinking of how my friend was viewed - and if the same could be said of me. She was a devout Christian, a loving and devoted wife, a dedicated and patient mother. She embodied hospitality. She was quick with a kind word, a hug, and a needed prayer, even when she was having chemotherapy. I hope people view me similarly. 

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