The kindness of crafters is not nearly as celebrated as it should be. We generously knit, crochet, sew, and craft for those we love, those we have not met yet, those in need. We donate funds, time, materials, thoughts and prayers to others less fortunate. Sometimes it's as simple as our own child needing a warm sweater or a relative wanting a pair of handknit socks.
We are a kind group. We also are generous, in that we do give. We have sympathy for those in need, and give willingly. Sometimes we are not as kind to ourselves as we are to others. We have that nagging voice that will tell us that we're not as good, not as talented, not as well off as others. I have realized that just because someone else looks like they have it all together, they probably don't. They just have a different set of problems. We should be as kind to ourselves as we are to others, and increase our kindness to others as well. Who have you been kind to recently?
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