Sunday, June 23, 2024

Halfway There...

We are almost halfway through the year. Scary, or relieved? A little of both, in my mind. It has been hot, and getting hotter, this summer, with 90+ degree days. I made a list of goals for this week, to hopefully keep on track.

The financials should be fairly easy, and done on Monday, since the board meeting is Monday evening. The books are also somewhat easy, since I have a list, and just need to find the lowest price on them. I am about halfway done with that as well. 

The homeschool schedule is a little tricky, as I have figured out some of what needs to be done, but I am still processing through it. The calendar sort of hinges on the school calendar, but I think I can manage it. 

The book goal looks lofty, but I have a secret - I am close to finishing a couple of the 4, and the girls have art camp, which means I will be in the library for about 4 hours every day this week. That is a lovely amount of reading time. I am still behind my goal of 52 books this year; finishing 4 will bring me to 15. If I can finish a fifth, I will only be 10 behind by the end of the week. 

How are you doing with your goals for the year? Are you behind or on track?

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

Health crap knocked my goals way out of whack. I'm in the process of seeing how things compared to my goal list. Not very well. :-(